Friday, September 19th 2008
Written and Posted by: YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess
The most wonderful thing about Energy Healing is that all living things can greatly benefit from it's many positive effects. People, plants, and animals are all made of pure energy and light. Energy Healing works like a tune-up for our bodies, minds and souls.
When we were created, we were given a unique set of Divine Blueprints. A perfect set of Energy Coding as unique to each individual as a snowflake, whether it be people, animals or even plant life. All systems of our beings once worked in perfect balance and harmony. It wasn't until our incarnations to this dimension of time and space known as Earth that these bodies of pure light and energy became misaligned, unbalanced and out of sync so to speak...
Read the full article in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts
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Sunday, September 7th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL Patterson
Greetings from the most high.
I am Christ Maitreya and with the Office of the Christ. I come to you today to bring forth a message through this channel. She is chosen for her preciseness and closeness to spirit.
We are now gathering those of you embodying the Christ body on earth. You know who you are. Ask for validation. The Shekinah will ring through your body now for validation as you read this.
It is time to gather and work towards peace and to bring our heaven on earth. Get prepared. You are fulfilling your mission and therefore your highest calling. Your mission is your passion and it is to heal the inhabitants of earth. Your vessels, your bodies are being prepared with the liquid light. You will be supported beyond what your wildest dreams could possibly supply you. You are not separate.
You are all one...
The Full Article can be read in this weeks Love's Loop Alerts Online...
Friday, August 29th 2008
As channeled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This MUST READ 2 Part Message is at link below...
CLICK HERE NOW to read, download or print this message in it's entirety!
Read Other MUST SEE Articles in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts Read More
Friday, August 29th 2008
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in (1990 - 2008)
Since we entered into the year of 2008, the year the Star Elders said we would reclaim paradise and make the shift of the ages, I have felt anything but that. The energies have gone from intense to off the chart. We are getting tossed, turned and wacked right out of left field in an earthquake of changing influences and energies. As a dear sister put it to me one day, "There is a battle going on is there not?! And we sure ain't sitting back in the movie theatre watching this one!"
Read The Full Article In This Weeks Edition Of Love's Loop Alerts Read More
Friday, August 29th 2008
from what's up on Planet Earth
October will bring in a full manifestation of our new roles, our new purposes, and a whole new set of “responsibilities” to our beautiful planet earth. Our “careers” will blast off, as we will then be poised and ready to offer the services of our heart’s desires to those in need of them. Not only will our new store-fronts or portals for receiving money be activated and greatly utilized, but many miracles, higher connections to others, new arrivals of hopes and dreams, and much of everything else will fall in our laps as well. There will be so much going on for us in October, that we will barely be able to keep up!
Read Full Article Online Now In This Weeks Edition of Love's Loop Alerts Read More
Friday, August 29th 2008
THE 14th Annual SOLAR WAVE 2008 ~ Phase Two
The Living Gaia Prayer Wheel Activation!
Equinox ~ September 22nd, 2008
1 to 3 PM your local time all across the Earth.
This is a Joyful Invitation to the Awakening Masses of Gaia
to come together in ONE UNIFIED HEART to Activate our Planet
Online NOW In This Weeks Love's Loop Alerts Read More
Sunday, August 24th 2008
As you unite with your spiritual brothers and sisters from around the world, we ask you to join in a great prayer together: "BELOVED (ALMIGHTY) FATHER/MOTHER GOD, I ASK FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD, THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE EARTH AND ALL HUMANITY." Breathe in the LIGHT, and breathe OUT the sacred Adamantine Particles of Creation activated by your unconditional loving energy. "BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE ** BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE." The Infinity Breath exercise will enhance your efforts and increase the personal benefits you will derive; however, it is not necessary for this powerful meditation and prayer to be effective. By doing so, you will radiate forth from your Sacred Heart core the Adamantine Particles of Life/Light that you have drawn forth from the Creator Source, and it will be gathered and magnified one thousand fold. Read More
Friday, July 25th 2008
On this day we will have a special activation with Akhenaton and Amon Ra.
You might have heard about them, their names are usually connected to Egypt. The work of these beings goes beyond Egypt, as far back as Lemuria and even before that.
Akhenaton main focus is the Christ consciousness on our planet. He will activate the Christ Consciousness inside if not activated yet, if your Christ Consciousness is already activated he will activate the resurrection cross inside of you.
What is this Cross?
Read the full article in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts
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Tuesday, July 22nd 2008
Essentials for Living An
Ascended Lifestyle 
Brenda and Dorene proudly introduce our newest works
Ascension Lifestyle Mastery Series eGuides & Workbook
eGuides #1 and 2
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Series #2
eGuide and Interactive Workbook
On Sale Now for Just $15 usd
(reg price: $20)

Click Here For More Info and Order Details
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Tuesday, July 22nd 2008
This Weeks
Lord Kuthumi -
Windows of Abundance
And Activation

EXCERPTS:: "Precious ones this 8:8:8 celebration is one that will turn the world inside
out and upside down, in a manner of speaking that is. This celebration is
one that brings forth a level of new energy unlike anything humanity has
experienced before."
"As we gather together with each of you upon this
celebration day we are ensuring that all the windows of abundance are wide
open for every human being to fully embrace this powerful surge of new
abundance consciousness. This is the time where we begin the powerful
activations of the Sun Chakra and the new chakras that will be birthed
through this, which Akhenaton and the Sun Goddesses are responsible for
anchoring on Earth with those willing Lightworkers."
"This celebration of abundance is presenting humanity with an opportunity to
completely turn away from poverty consciousness. From this time of the 8:8:8
celebration up until the 21st of December 2008"
"These particular abundance grids are very powerful. They are
unprecedented. This means it is in your best interest and that of humanity
for you to open your heart now and to seriously take action in the direction
that will secure your future within the fluid grids of this very powerful
abundance consciousness."
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This Saturday
July 19th 2008
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Wednesday, April 16th 2008
This Weeks
Dancing in the Realms of Abundance
by: Sanat Kumara
"Be assured that your time to shine is
ripe and waiting for you to release the final remnants of your past
protective coating.
As you feel safe to work with the new levels of creation, keep in mind that you must completely shed all thoughts, memories and feelings of being unsupported, for this history is no longer your
reality. That is, unless you make it so.
The new reality that you find yourself participating in is one of ease and
untold miracles waiting to be discovered.
As you emerge from the maze of
yesterday you will notice that today no longer requires linear planning.
This space is one of allowing, of receiving the grace so duly earned."
Do you foresee that this reality is one that you can uphold? Or do you feel as though you must work for every gain?"

Many physical symptoms are a mystery to Earthling Doctors as the DNA becomes not what they have known, so breathe through it and know it will all calm down with your own natural Healing abilities inside which are only just being realized.
Learn to listen to your own body and reach out for help when its
needed for others to aid you in healing yourself, don't think of asking others
to fix it for you as it won't last.
It is time to be discerning in who your Healers are... are they
helping you help yourself?
This is the best kind of Healer.
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PO Box 297414 Spalding Winchester, Idaho 83555

Friday, March 28th 2008
This Weeks Issue Of Love's Loop Alerts IS READY AND WAITING FOR YOU!
The Afterglow..
A Time for Grounding & Integration
Back everyone, from a wild and wonderful weekend of activations,
constellations, rebirth & letting go...."
"So much has changed within us all during this massive shift in consciousness, so much has grown
and just as much that no longer serves us has fallen away from each of us
individually as well as on a much grander scale of the collective whole.
The consciousness of humanity, Gaia and the realms of light will never be
the same. During this time of great transition and change, and as we all
regain our footing and adjust to living in the 5th dimension more and more
each day, we are being guided and reminded from the Masters of Light to
refuse to participate in the illusions of the 3D world any longer.
It's time to take a stand for all that we know within us to be the TRUTH, and command
within you to accept and receive only your HIGHEST and DEEPEST abiding good
NOW and for all time.
We remind you also that deep breathing and grounding many times per day is of utmost importance to your well be-ing
at this time. We suggest making the time to ground no less than 5-6 times
per day to remain centered, balanced and feeling your best. It is time
to listen to your bodies, and the inner nudging of your higher selves, and
it is time to put YOU FIRST!!!"
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The Words I Waited 44 Years To Hear
Have Been Uttered!
Sananda Speaks
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A Message for God's Daughters

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PO Box 297414 Spalding Winchester, Idaho 83555

Wednesday, January 30th 2008
The Energies for February 2008 by Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at [link]
Dearest Lightworkers, in this month of February 2008, you will begin to feel the energies of Shift and Change on your Planet once again. Yes, as this new cycle commences, you will begin to see how the Material Manifestation of the New Earth becomes a reality for you.
These changes will be focussed on the Global Economic System, and the purpose will be to create an equitable balance of resources for all on the planet. In February, there will be several important Planetary Alignments that will assist in the activation process.
On the 7th of February, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, that will enable the Earth to reset its Solar Codes for Global Community energy. Then, on the 21st of February, at Full Moon, there will be a total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. At this time, the Earth will reset its Lunar Codes to receive the transmissions of the Masculine Lunar energy from the Galactic Center. The Lunar Masculine is that Gentle, Loving, and Supportive energy that will replace Power Dominance and Control and create the new Economic and Social Structures for the New Earth. Dearest Ones, you may also see it in this way, on the 21st of February the Sun will be in Pisces and the Full Moon will be in Virgo. AT this time, the Earth's I AM energy, represented by Pisces, will align with its Material Manifestation, represented by Virgo, and the Earth will begin the final process of bringing its Planetary Higher Self into alignment with its Physical Being. They will become One. Heaven begins to manifest on Earth.
At this time too, the Earth feels also the influence of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, and Saturn in Virgo. Capricorn and Virgo are Earth signs that hold the energies of the Material Plane. Jupiter, in Capricorn for this year, brings the energy of Expansion and Awakening to the Earth plane. Pluto, leaving Sagittarius and entering Capricorn, brings the energy of Transformation from the Spiritual Plane to the Material Plane. Saturn, in Virgo for the next two years, carries the energy of Restructuring on the Material Level.
Dearest Ones, you are entering an exciting phase in your Planet's ongoing Transformation Process. At last, you will begin to see the Material Manifestation of Heaven on Earth, as balance is brought back to the Material Plane. You are indeed One, and you will begin to create Abundance within your Global Community that can be shared by All.
The process has already begun, and as awakened Lightworkers, you are asked to assist others to understand the Changes and Transformations that will soon occur on your Planet and on a Global Scale. Know that Each one of You is exactly where you need to be right now. Some of you are in positions of Leadership, and it will be your work to assist many people through the changes that will affect the lives of every person on Earth.
Each person on earth now has agreed, on the Higher Level, the I AM level, to go through these changes. However, you as Awakened Lightworkers, fully aware of the power of the Fifth-dimensional energy with which you work, will be the Leaders who will be asked to guide people into a new sense of Community and Co-Operation. Yes, we know it will not be easy, but we have absolute faith in each one of you. When we saw you leaving your Stellar Soul Homes and going into incarnation on Earth, we knew that you would not fail. We knew that you had the Dedication, the Power, and the Motivation, to ensure that this Transformation would take place in the best possible way. And so, we watch you with great Joy and Anticipation, as you enter into this final phase of your Transformation Work.
See The Old Energy Gives Way to the New => Read More
Wednesday, January 16th 2008
January 1st : 1:1:1: Welcome to the Fifth Dimension...We are One Family, One People, One Planet. by Celia Fenn *See whole EARTH LOG HERE [link]
OK, so we have spent most of the last cycle working with the Fifth-dimensional energies, and some days we do well and some days we have slipped back into old Third-dimensional patterns. But, from this day, the 1:1:1, we can be certain that we will really need to work with all the Higher Dimensional living skills that we have developed. From now on, the planet will be evolving within her new Fifth Dimensional Matrix, and we will need to be able to live in harmony with this energy signature!
And this new energy signature requires us to be able to move beyond dualistic belief systems and into a perception of Oneness and Unity. We are One Family and One Planet. If I have to look back at my own life, I would say that the biggest change I have seen has been the movement from a perception of huge distances and separate nations, to a perception of One Planet that is in constant connection and movement. At this point, I suppose I do have an unusual job, but like many people, my working day involves speaking to people all around the world using modern technology. I understand at least six languages, and I can interact with people of many different cultures. I am becoming a New Earth citizen of the Planet.
I have met many Lightworkers in the last year, who have just become "travelers". They have an urge, or they are guided, to move to other places on the planet, or just to adventure and move. We are learning to move out of our narrow perceptions of Who We Are, based on nationality and race, and to begin to see ourselves as citizens of One Planet.
And in this movement and connection, we discover that we are very much the same, and that we are also unique and individual, and that these differences can be exciting.
And our work is to Weave Heart Light and to Create Peace, Harmony and Love! Read More
Sunday, January 13th 2008
A Live Kryon Channelling - Kryon in the Mediterranean - 2007
"HISTORY OF HUMANITY" As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
Click THIS LINK: [link] to see photos of this cruise
The information below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits sale in any form except by the publisher..,.
This live channelling was Given in the western Mediterranean sea
8th Annual Kryon Cruise
August / September, 2007
This channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. This on-board channelling was given in English and translated real time into Spanish (it was a cruise that left from Spain). When transcribed, this back and forth translation often creates very short sentences which do not read well in English. Therefore it has been totally re-worked to make it flow. In addition, it has been expanded by Kryon to include many added explanations of a very comprehensive subject. This expansion creates even better communication than from the live audio. If you listen to the audio, you can tell how much more there is here in added clarity.
This particular channelling had many references to historic geologic events, and a timeline that is difficult to picture without a graph. So the graph of Kryon's explanation of the development of Humanity and the Lemurian race, is placed immediately at the bottom of this message.
So enjoy this enhanced message given by Kryon to a bi-lingual audience while cruising in the western Mediterranean sea in the summer of 2007.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
I'm giving my partner a glimpse of what I'm asking him to do, and it makes him nervous. When we get into these kinds of things, this new information, I have shown him through energy how important it is to be accurate. This is a unique situation, for you are slipping over the ocean now, underway, floating above the earth. This is a disconnect with the energy that you normally always have, and because of this disconnect, it allows a perception that is grander, more reflective, both of the sender and the receiver. Therefore, it is these times when we often wish to give you information that has not been given before.
In these moments and the ones that follow, I wish to give you information on the history of Earth from the beginning of humanity. I will reveal to you the chronology of how it all was accomplished. We have spoken of the pieces and the parts of this information for years, but this will be the first time that we have linked it up together in a summary like this. In addition, we will give you added information that is metaphysical.
The basic plan of Earth is intuitive and inside each of you. We've taught about it now for almost 19 years. However, we've never revealed the length of this earthly journey. How long will Humans be on the planet? What was the plan to begin with? Where are you now within this timeline? How did it begin? How was it modified? What was the free choice of Humans that changed history? I will now discuss much of that.
Dear Human Being, although this may sound like history and geology, the angels in this room sit upon you giving you grand news about who you are. And if you have no interest in these things, perhaps you would be content to just sit and have your feet washed? Perhaps. Would that be OK with you? We speak in a third language with you, regardless of the three-dimensional languages that are being spoken here [English and Spanish]. We call the communications "a third language." For the number three is a catalyst. Other things are being transmitted along with the 3D language, and they go into the heart. They go to the cellular structure. As you sit in this energy, things may change in you if you give permission and are open to such things. Read More
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*Begin YOUR Journey 2 conscious ONENESS with the ONE TRUE HEART OF GOD within US ALL:
I AM ONE LOVE and so are YOU!
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