New Civilization News - Category: Ideas, Creativity    
 A Year Without Tagliabue20 comments
picture1 Aug 2007 @ 13:19, by jazzolog. Ideas, Creativity
All of us are watchers---
of television, of time clocks,
of traffic on the freeway---but
few are observers. Everyone is
looking, not many are seeing.

---Peter M. Leschak

You ask why I live in the mountain forest,
and I smile and am silent,
And even my soul remains quiet:
It lives in the other world
Which no one owns.
The peach trees blossom.
The water flows.

---Li Po

My nature is subdued
to what it works in,
like the dyer's hand.

---William Shakespeare

Amid hectic preparations for a move to Providence, Rhode Island, Professor of English Emeritus John Tagliabue---the muse of Bates College for more than forty years---and his wife, Grace, took time out for portraits by Phyllis Graber Jensen in the garden of Muskie Archives. The caption, a fragment from a poem in John's book New And Selected Poems: 1942-1997, reads "...a breeze hails our way,
we lift our sails;
we hold on to each other for dear life." (Bates Magazine, Spring 1998)

And so a year has gone by. A year without friend and poet John Tagliabue. A year without Tagliabue and the sun has shined its radiance with slight dimness. Music of the spheres has played less sparkling. The dancers whirl without shout. His death last year was certainly at his time, but it has meant a year without my teacher pushing me closer to the edge.

Besides a flutter of poems tumbling out like petals from blossoms, his letters and conversation always contained what books to read. He urged them as he did his assignments, shrugging off your foolishness if obviously you didn't read them. There were exhibits at the museums and he would tell you. Dancers and actors on the boards, and he needed to share with his own advertisements. There were foods and people from so many countries to visit. Be sure to have pad and pencil for jotting down impressions of human scenes on the train.

One time, when I was a junior at Bates College, where he taught and I learned, he decided he wanted to see Martha Graham dance in New York. It might be her very last time. We were in Maine. John had a car but he never learned to drive. Refused to. Usually his wife Grace took him somewhere he needed to be, but for some reason this time he asked a few of us students if we wanted to drive him. And we'd see La Martha of course.  More >

 Earthbound3 comments
29 Jul 2007 @ 06:09, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
a poem  More >

 Inspiration3 comments
picture21 Jul 2007 @ 22:00, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Composite image.
Courtesy: William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
For the landscape, an unidentified digital artist
somewhere out there on the www.
Acknowledgements and compliments.
There's a lot of writing going on out there these days.
Lots of topics, lots of issues, lots of concerns,
All very important.
Maybe I need to chip in.
Well, I'm chippin' in.
So the fire may burn just a little brighter,
for a little longer,
until the first faint grey of Dawn
whispers through the leaves overhead.  More >

 Tears1 comment
8 Jul 2007 @ 00:25, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
yeah... and it isn't even raining...;-)  More >

 Elementary magic7 comments
picture 22 Jun 2007 @ 22:18, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
A simple principle that appears in many forms:

- An purposeful element in a changing environment is more likely to succeed, the more fixed its purpose is, and the more random motion there is in the environment. -

OK, that probably doesn't make it clear, so some examples and metaphors...

Let's say some extremely rare butterfly is looking for a mate. If it is in a very static environment, like your kitchen closet, and there's no other butterfly of that kind of around, it is out of luck. But if you drop it somewhere where thousands or millions of species live, and all of them move around a lot, it is more likely that the right kind of lady butterfly will flutter by. Some wind might help, bringing in specimens from elsewhere, or carrying our amorous butterfly somewhere else where other opportunities might exist. So, more movement helps, more random interactions, more flow, more chaos, even. But only if the butterfly remembers what it is looking for. If it gets confused by all the commotion and starts sniffing pretty flowers instead, it might not fulfill its purpose.

It is in part a matter of the number of possible combinations, of course. You have one item you want to match to another, and statistically speaking, the more random possibilities you bring by, the more likely it is that one of them matches.

But it is more than that. A fixed element will also tend to align and order and command fluid elements around it, under some conditions. The examples would have to get a bit more psychological or metaphysical to make sense out of that.

Let's say the US Immigration service rounds up a bunch of illegal immigrants on the street in L.A., drives them to Mexico and dumps them in a random town. There they are, confused and disoriented, not in control. And in front of the bus stop, there's a big friendly sign that says "Get a job here!", or "Cheap hotel rooms" or "Information" or something. Chances are, they'll probably go there.

Human minds like fixed, calm, coherent, comprehensible, consistent stuff. Simple, normal stuff that makes sense, and that orders the world. So, if you're confused, being thrown around by circumstances outside your control, and somebody offers you a simple solution or a simple answer, you're so much more likely to take it. More likely than if you were already in a well-ordered, stable and understandable situation.

Said a different way, humans are much easier to influence when they're out of balance. You're more likely to change if you're perturbed than if you're comfortable. And that's both good and bad. You're more likely to make a breakthrough towards something better when you're under pressure and everything's on fire. But you're also more likely to adopt a crazy new idea or join a new religion under those circumstances. Much easier to sign you up in a new cult if you're in trouble and somebody tells you that Guru Joe has the answer for you.

It is also a method of hypnotizing somebody. Confuse them with ambiguities or unexpected events, and then give them something to grab on to, a suggestion. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It is a good thing if you were stuck in a situation that didn't work for you, and the suggestion you adopt ends up working better for you.

However, seen from the opposite angle, there's a powerful tool there, for getting what you want in life.

Let's say there's something you very much want, like becoming an astronaut or getting a new car or going on vacation in Bora-Bora. There's still the first part of the principle there. The more people you get in contact with, whom you all tell that you want to go to Bora-Bora, the more likely it is that one of them will have a lead for you that somehow makes it happen. If you talk to five people, probably you aren't going anywhere. If you talk to a million or 100 million , chances are that one of them happens to have a ticket to Bora-Bora on hand which they don't need.

At the same time, if you're very firm and unwavering in your desire to go to Bora-Bora, and you'll proclaim this desire loudly, whenever you have a chance, no matter the occasion, something more will happen. You'll influence your environment in a more active way. You'll be known as the Bora-Bora guy for one thing, and others will talk about you. You're likely to become a sort of reference point for others. You might also influence others to organize around you, or align with you. If you meet some other people who don't know what to do, they might decide that it is more fun and meaningful to want to go to Bora-Bora, and they might join you in your quest. The more the world around you is in random motion without purpose, the more likely it is that chunks of it will align itself with what you're suggesting.

The Law of Attraction kind of thing inevitably will happen. If you focus your mind strongly on your want, and you surround yourself with symbols of what you want, and you talk about it, and you ask for it, and you look for it, and you keep at it, persistently, for a long time - you're very likely to get what you want. You're more likely, the more firm you are in your desire, and the more loudly you present it, and the more conviction you have. You're more likely to get it the more different environments you go through and the more people you meet. And it is both for statistical reasons and it is because you influence your surroundings. Nothing super-natural in that, but it can be quite a magical thing, nevertheless. You set yourself up as a strange attractor that chaos can order itself around.

You'll know other variations of it, I'm sure. Like:

"Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity"

You know, if you want good pictures, and you keep a camera in your pocket, and the right opportunity comes along, you take it out and get a great shot. It is luck, but then again, it isn't.

It's an elementary recipe for magic. There are two parts of the world, the internal part (of you), your thoughts, desires, emotions and immediate actions, which you can control, with a little practice. And theres the external part, the big wide world around you, which you don't control and which is in constant motion. If you fix an objective in your mind, if you desire it, feel it, and act accordingly, and you then expose yourself to as many different experiences as possible in life, exposing yourself to lots of people, lots of situations, lots of opportunities for furthering your desire, some of them will inevitably work out. Sometimes in direct ways, sometimes in indirect ways. But one way or another, the simple fact that you keep your desire alive and consistent will both align the rest of the world around it and bring opportunities to you.  More >

 Are breakthroughs social?8 comments
picture 20 Jun 2007 @ 22:41, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
Matt Mower talks , here too, about breakthroughs, based on Terry Frazier discussing a talk by Lisa Haneberg, who in a talk said this:
  • Breakthroughs happen in a social context, If you aren't out actively promoting your goal or idea, discussing it regularly with friends, colleagues, and strangers and sharing your challenges, achievements, and objectives, you aren't going to make any breakthroughs.

  • Introverts, no matter how smart, rarely make breakthroughs, Breakthroughs do not happen in front of your face. They happen in the connections and gaps and networks that emerge from constant forward action and focus.
  • So, is a breakthrough a social thing? I'm not sure I agree that it is, necessarily. Rather, it sounds like an extrovert speaking.

    A breakthrough is, I suppose, when there's something somebody wants, and something stopping it which is somewhat complex. So, it is a problem, or dilemma, or a confused situation, where an objective is known, but not being met. Something is stuck. And then, bing, something changes, and you're at another level, a better place, where things are simpler, and things are flowing. Might be just a reframe, you suddenly see things differently. Or you acquire a piece you didn't have before. An individual can do that, or a group.

    But is that inherently social? I agree that more evolved social networking could be more likely to generate breakthroughs for individuals, breakthroughs in thinking or living. The availability of more social flows might give you an opportunity for being more in the flow. They might, but they won't necessarily. And it is not like it couldn't happen without.

    Personally I often need people to talk things over with in order to break through something. I need input, and I need to see ideas reflect themselves in other people before I quite know what they mean, and then I make up my own mind. But it works differently for different people. Some people need other people before they can do certain things. Other people need to be alone to do the same thing. And it isn't as simple as extrovert/introvert. One might be extroverted as to some aspects of one's life, and introverted in regards to others.

    But the question of how social contexts can be more conducive to breakthrough is a very intesting one. How do you lay things out so that routine breakthroughs are the norm?  More >

     Applied Confront Scale: The Grand Delusion of 'Positive Thinking'23 comments
    picture20 Jun 2007 @ 18:55, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
    We had some help the other day from people from Rome and Florence who never experienced the confront scale setup (see last post) and I tested a quad-pole configuration during a one-day workshop, with 'wanted', 'not-wanted', 'power of choice' (Eshu), and Identity. We rechecked last night with another crew (thank you for coming all the way from Genova!!).

    The result is an applied confront scale for achieving a wanted goal.

    It turned out to be a devastating defeat for the meme of 'Positive Thinking'. Not that I ever believed in this meme as it is being sold. In the contrary. But, until last night, I never felt I had enough proof in my hands (for myself) to honestly challenge this meme.

    (Make a test yourself: check out the first hundred pages on Google on 'Positive Thinking': EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD is praising Positive Thinking and EVERYONE of those guys are SELLING books and videos on this subject!!)

    In short, ANY ATTACHMENT to a desired object will result in that object to go AWAY, and NOT to be attracted. That's the fine print nobody is telling you selling their stuff. WHERE ARE ALL THOSE HAPPY PEOPLE OF THE POSITIVE THINKING fad? The answer is simple: they are winding up in the shits, and that's why they won't talk. The only one who wins is the bookseller.

    There IS a winning strategy, Lao-Tzu already talked about it some thousand years ago: relinquish attachment to the positive pole and resistance to the negative and ACT as if the result wouldn't matter! In other words, NEUTRALIZE the opposing poles of your goal and GO AHEAD!

    See the diagram for your other options (there are NONE, except for deliberatly resisting that what you want (Ed Dawson coined it the 'Other Pole Technology' in our book 'Polar Dynamics 1')!

    Good luck!  More >

     Midsummer's Eve4 comments
    picture 17 Jun 2007 @ 06:42, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
    A poem...for a warm evening  More >

     Poem, Love's Addiction7 comments
    13 May 2007 @ 03:44, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
    yeah it's mushy..don't ya love it? lol  More >

     Wandering2 comments
    picture 28 Apr 2007 @ 07:49, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
    one for the road...

    pic (c) by my daughter Krystal  More >

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