New Civilization News - Category: Ideas, Creativity    
 Poet Tree is Dead9 comments
picture 4 Jul 2006 @ 22:47, by jstarrs. Ideas, Creativity
Dead...  More >

 Áine, the Forest Queen1 comment
3 Jul 2006 @ 04:51, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Maybe you have seen her?  More >

 The Darkness9 comments
27 Jun 2006 @ 18:26, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
sometimes I wander into the shadows...  More >

 Does that rock look interesting?
picture11 Jun 2006 @ 21:56, by hgoodgame. Ideas, Creativity
Wait until you see what we can do with it!

One of our current hobbies is sphere making. That’s right, spheres, like tiny model planets. Soon I’ll have an entire new universe to populate. ;)  More >

 John Tagliabue: Last Words18 comments
picture3 Jun 2006 @ 08:31, by jazzolog. Ideas, Creativity
The important thing is to do, and nothing else; be what it may.

---Pablo Picasso

You yourself are time---your body, your mind, the objects around you. Plunge into the river of time and swim, instead of standing on the banks and noting the course of the currents.

---Philip Kapleau

Who whispered, souls have shapes
So has the wind, I say.
But I don't know.
I only feel things blow.

---Stanley Kunitz

John and Grace Tagliabue were photographed in the Muskie Garden at Bates College in 1998 by Phyllis Graber Jensen, shortly before their move to Providence, R.I. John died on May 31.

You can, you do...prepare---sometimes for years---for the last word, the final departure...of a friend, a loved one. But we're never really ready when it comes. Still the shock. The welling up, unexpected sobbing. Breaking down...alone or with a comforting hand upon one's shoulder. It cannot be contained. The grief.

And so it came...yesterday afternoon, while I was down at the garden, the phone call's recorded message telling me John Tagliabue is gone.

Exactly a month ago his last letter arrived announcing the "big operation" would be "tomorrow morning, might take 4 - 7 hours!!" Nearly 83, John had agreed to extreme measures to remove part of a pancreas gone bad. There were complications...and another surgery...and then the final morphine drip. With wife and 2 daughters in the room reading him his poems, John gave us the slip and danced lightly further into the fantastic. May I share with you just a few of the last things he wrote?

++++++++++++++++++++  More >

 I see you8 comments
picture 29 May 2006 @ 09:37, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
I've written this poem to celebrate the divine feminine expressed in the nature, in our dear mother Earth, and in ourselves. I got inspired while walking in one of my favourite parks in Asturias. The picture was also taken there.  More >

 Do fish hurt?6 comments
picture 23 May 2006 @ 12:00, by jstarrs. Ideas, Creativity
"Soup and fish explain half the emotions of life."
Sydney Smith  More >

20 May 2006 @ 12:05, by beto. Ideas, Creativity
A few decades ahead humanity will be decimated by the climate disruption and the ultraviolet no more blocked by the ozone layer. The last man on Earth had a project: The Egg of humanity.  More >

 Things Fall Apart.....
picture18 May 2006 @ 11:18, by ashanti. Ideas, Creativity
These are interesting times. Never before have there been so many channels with claims of direct contact with ascended masters. Pending the release of the film version of the Da Vinci code, there are all these e-mails asking people to take “on-line DNA” tests to determine if they are descendents of Jesus and Mary. 99th generation. (riding on the coat-tails of the Da Vinci code, of course).
Rome is in a snit, but it is all so artificial. So scripted, orchestrated. Like 9/11. The conflict between Rome and the Da Vinci code is manufactured, structured, planned, timed.

Never before in human history has so much bull-shit floated through so much of our patch of the time-space continuum. "Dearest Ones, Beloved Lightworkers, you are close to Ascension", and so on and so forth. What’s with this mass psychosis? There’s a bunch here in South Africa trying to lure people into their cult under the cover of helping “AIDS babies”. Nice hook. Catching plenty fish. South Africans tend to be mostly uncritical, and ill-equipped to evaluate the bull-shit that is floating around, so many just swallow it. Especially as so many are vulnerable – it’s a time of rage and despair, violent crime, riots – same as many other countries, in fact. It has been officially been called the “Age of Hope” for South Africa, but on the ground, it is the complete opposite. So many people I know are in despair. Things falling apart. Back to Chinua Achebe.

It certainly feels like we’re in some sort of end time. Hence the prevalence of false prophets, confusing everyone. Why the sudden urge to lure people into their collective psychoses, I wonder? Could it be that June 6, 2006 is coming up? Launch of the movie the Beast, and so on? Predictions of earthquakes, tsunamis, economic collapse abound. Worse than the millenium hysteria that we recently went through. And that too, was based on an artificial construct.

Why are we not collectively focused on *solving* the problems? Why do we not pool our collective human intelligence on developing earth-friendly energy, on solving poverty? How is it that our political systems mostly end up attracting the least fit to lead, the most greedy, the most short-sighted, those who care the least about their fellow humans, animals, and the planet as whole? Why are South Africans in such a state of rage and anger, why is the violence so utterly vicious and extreme here? And do we REALLY think, “Dearest Lightworkers, sooooon, all will be well, and the New World will arrive, and Weeeeeeeeeeeee will make you feel so much better………….” will fix it all??? When the HELL are we going to take personal responsibility??????

Sigh. Some days, it all really gets to one........  More >

 101 Things to Do1 comment
17 May 2006 @ 18:01, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
This is the idea. One makes a list of 101 things to do over 1001 days. Things to do that are realistic, but also stretching. I.e. something you want to do, or that would be fun to do, but which you wouldn't necessarily get around to doing otherwise. Carving an ice sculpture, skinny dipping in the Carribean, put money in random parking meters that have run out, stay up all night and finish a book, ride the metro from one end to the other. And you'll have 1001 days to finish the list, which is about 2.75 years, which is plenty of time, so one doesn't have to be stressed about it. And it might be small or big things. One chooses oneself.

Apparently a lot of people are doing this, and I think it is a cool idea. Putting on your to-do list to do senseless life-affirming things that make you feel good, and which stretch your boundaries a bit. You can find a list of people's lists in the sidebar of that page. There are people who build their blog around the progress with their list. Like 101 Things to Do.

Hm, personally I'm a bit ambivalent on making a list like that public. Not that I generally mind sharing my thoughts with the whole world, but somehow I find to-do lists more intimate. Mine would probably be more politically incorrect than my normal blog writing. But it is inspiring to see what other people want to do.  More >

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