New Civilization News: Open Letter to the Earth    
 Open Letter to the Earth3 comments
20 Jan 2006 @ 16:18, by Unknown

Found on the Web



JANUARY 01,2006

Well hello everyone, hope your day is going well.
Strange world aye?
Well it seems that it may be that Humanity is at war
with itself because maybe there's nothing better to do
and war, drugs and sex, is good for business.

Well that may be the case and war may be fun and interesting
but to myself it is a sorry state of affairs. i.e.: (Let them eat cake)

It would seem then that some people may just have to much money, power and time on their hands then, oh my...!

I can accept perhaps that fighting, poverty, disease, hunger, homelessness, pollution, global warming, loneliness, the elements, prejudice, racism, ignorance, addictions, hatred, greed and such may not be as much fun or as interesting as war but really if you have to and want to war then please do it on the moon and not on the planet because it is interfering with those trying to really accomplish something constructive and meaningful
on the planet.

Thank you for your time
and consideration to this matter...

A global citizen

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20 Jan 2006 @ 22:00 by swanny : yo

thank ya's all

I suppose it's a bit "spoilsportish" and well
gosh shucks I'm sorry... but really the moon
would be better suited don't ya think....
I mean then you could fight over air and water
and food... think of the potential....
365 24/7 war....


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