1 Aug 2011 @ 21:18
See this report from fbi agent Theresa Foley who accurately observes that the fbi is (as I have *documented) a macabre and sick culture whose agents and operatives engage in or cover up torture, mayhem and murder:
Foley was assigned to investigate inmates at Guantanamo Bay, but soon became an unofficial inmate of the same diseased ridden prison. She contracted a debilitating "...disease after being forced to share sleeping space with a colony of rats in Guantanamo Bay". She states, as I have often exclaimed,
'But when I think that it was my own government who’s left me in this position, that’s brought such misery... I can’t give up. Or shut up. Or just go away.'
The disease that she contracted at the prison "... has left the 45-year-old Foley unable to walk on her own, and she suffers in pain from two spinal fusions, six other major surgeries and the effective loss of her right leg.
She was forced to live for 10 months in a squalid bungalow that hosted a colony of large rats and contracted a hideous bacterial disease called leptospirosis. Her doctors traced the infection that bored into her central nervous system back to the rats."
The Theresa Foley report on conditions at Guantanamo Bay is at once an indictment of the fiends who run the prison and a call for an investigation of the fbi agents who cover up atrocities committed there. As Foley observes, her fbi colleagues seem more
"interested in soaking up the Cuban sun and rum than talking to terror suspects."
As the evidence suggests the fbi & the cia actually watch abuses in drunken stupor (and reflect upon same in moments of sobriety) as Guantanamo Bay officials knowingly force inmates (and now Foley) to suffer the life threatening conditions in the lock up. This same fbi criminal participation in the unlawful torture and murder of selected Targets (by infectious disease, bio-chem or psychoelectronic attacks) will continue around the world because the United States * *Congress (and the people who put them in office) allow it.
* *:
For important info on fbi/cia crimes see:
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
27 Jul 2011 @ 16:38
See my report supported by overwhelming evidence of the fbi/cia (etc.) efforts to attack innocent persons and others via *inhumane methodology.
For over a decade I have presented evidence that the fbi/cia and their affiliates globally are terrorists who use high technology (both IT and Bio-Chem, etc.)and low minded thugs and assassins to carry out torture, imprisonment or murder against selected Targets such as me. Today I deduce that many persons in the world have now confirmed my reports of atrocities committed by the ***Nazi-like United States War machine (led by fbi/cia/nsa,Congress,President, etc.)and that various informed individuals also document their own testimony on this vital subject of human rights violations. For example see the excerpt below followed by links to sites with corroborating evidence of these atrocities; **then ask whether or not one may support the inhumane subjugation of human kind in the manner presented herein:
"Un-skirt U.S. Government's Daily Worldwide Secret Unsuspected Satellite Mind Control Technology Attack Activities, & Its Coherency with Its Echelon Global Spy System."
"U.S citizens are selected at random for terrible secret experiments and abuses, particularly in this top classified covered-up project. Those who seriously challenge the corrupt system face secretly covert harassment and abuses, threatening always-on explicitly and implicitly.....
...U.S. space-based torture, space-based privacy breaking, space-based territory violation unsuspected technology with satellite carriers."
Thank you.
geral sosbee
26 Jul 2011 @ 18:32
Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Un-skirt U.S. Government's Daily Worldwide Secret Unsuspected Satellite Mind Control Technology Attack Activities, & Its Coherency with Its Echelon Global Spy System. " hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at:
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.
Best wishes,
geral sosbee
PS: See this important documentary:
22 Jul 2011 @ 13:27
For the purpose of this site (www.sosbeevfbi.com) T stands for Geral Sosbee and for Targets, generally. See:
T represents, in a broad sense, all human beings past and present who have been tortured, imprisoned, hounded or killed by the sinister agents and operatives of the fbi/cia and their kind throughout all of time. [Please see my *appeal below]:
Specifically and within the context of this site and My Story In Detail Geral Sosbee is T and the battle that he fights is *Everyman's Battle in refusing to accept tyranny and gross injustice in any form. From this perspective T is a universal figure who exposes and engages the evil that men and women of all eras despise.
For more, read the story herein and envision the excruciatingly painful existence sometimes forced upon T by those within the highest levels of so-called intelligence agencies of the United States of America.
See Also:
For several years I have had the honor and the accompanying pain to report fbi and cia high crimes and misdemeanors against my person. The significance of my reports are not simply to assist myself in staying alive, but to provide an historical document which in time may serve others similarly imprisoned (though not always behind bars) by the high tech gadgetry (and low minded thugs) of these two hideous agencies.
Therefore, the first purpose for this letter is to express my gratitude for all who have seen and verified my reports and for all who see the global importance to humanity of the lessons I and others attempt to present. Thank you eternally.
The other purpose herein is to offer whatever services I may to any other *person who is being tortured, imprisoned, or otherwise hounded by the world’s most misguided and pathological miscreants: the agents, operatives, thugs, assassins, executioners, handlers of the fbi and the cia and their sympathizers and allies globally. Tell me who you are, please; give me the dates, tiimes and methods associated with your suffering at the hands of the fbi/cia and their global affiliates (including the mindless police in every jurisdiction), so that I can better understand how to attack (in an intellectual sense) these bestial humans in a way that will help educate the world regarding their purposes and their tactics. Provide the details and the names of your torturers. If you cannot communicate, then please relay the data to someone else for this study. While I may not be of direct aid to my fellow prisoners, I can add the material into the fold of my own updates and thereby give others the benefit of your travails; history needs you to vocalize your agony as I have for the benefit of future generations.
Someday the thugs I describe will be out of power; they will be replaced with a diametrically opposite mentality and morality as represented by humanitarians like you and I. The people who will replace the hate mongers and torturers are those of us who seek humane treatment, with no exceptions, now and always.
*"A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
- John Stuart Mill
"The action against the dissident is now developing as follows:
1)The dissident is denigrated, smeared and discredited wherever possible.
2)This will bring about social isolation, ridicule and provocation by security ’stooges’ on a daily basis.
3)This will lead to ‘internal exile’ the effects of which are well documented by the Rehabilitation and Research Center for Torture Victims (RCT) in Denmark.
4)Security forces will inform anyone who may come into contact with a dissident to denigrate and abuse him in any way possible. They will also be told to use the term ‘communist’ and ’subversive’ when referring to the dissident in any way.
5)Security ‘goons’ will in public use much verbal abuse against the dissident. They will also try to provoke him in physical confrontations in attempts to criminalize him.
6)If the dissident has a job his/her employer will be contacted by security and he will either lose that job or their work will be made much more difficult (9). If the dissident is self-employed his/her customers will be contacted by security and ‘persuaded’ to take their business elsewhere.
7)The dissidents phone, fax and mail and e-mail, will be monitored around the clock. Messages will fail to get through and their phone line will suffer from many disruptions.
8)The dissident will suffer much abuse from his ‘neighbors’. There will be many ‘noise’ problems and ’sleep deprivation’ will undoubtedly become a daily part of the actions being taken against him.
9)The dissident’s property will be entered and damaged on a regular basis whenever the dissident leaves it. His personal property, documents, electronic devices, etc, will be stolen or damaged.
10)Money will also be taken and the dissident’s car will be damaged and sabotaged.
No matter what locks are installed on a dissident’s apartment, or house, the security services are always able to get inside. Having done so, one of the many things they often do is to get into a dissidents computer and alter or delete any files there. This has happened to me many times. They also damage some computers in various ways."
See Also:
"Welcome. This website is devoted to explaining a global program of torture, murder & persecution which I call the Hidden Evil. It includes a vast network of plain-clothed citizen informants, which is used for public stalking, & the use of Directed Energy Weapons on targeted individuals. All core factions of the community are involved, & everyone, from seniors to children, participates in Gang Stalking. Governments have used these groups in some form since the Roman Empire. The Hidden Evil is an example of this pattern repeating itself."
6 Jul 2011 @ 13:46
See the statements by cops themselves regarding their newly granted implied authority to kill fleeing, innocent suspects.
A new law by the US Supremely corrupt and cowardly court impliedly authorizes the killer cops (and the fbi assassins) to murder a fleeing, innocent suspect:
U.S. Justices rule fleeing police is a violent felony
"Risk of violence is inherent to vehicle flight," Kennedy said. "It is well known that when offenders use motor vehicles as their means of escape they create serious potential risks of physical injury to others. Flight from a law enforcement officer invites, even demands, pursuit."
In order to fully comprehend the disturbed and criminal minds of the cops and their fbi/cia mentors see some of the *comments of joy by cops who relish their new power to kill as authorized by the fools on the highest court. The story and all quotes below are taken from the following link:
Here are representative samplings (from the above link) quoting some of the lunatics in blue who now prepare to kill innocent suspects fleeing from the *homicidal police:
"Fleeing in a vehicle IS deadly force, and should be dealt with as other deadly force situations."
"I remember back in 2005, or so, at the Brandon Town Center, when unit 100 got on the radio and said "TAKE HIM OUT" in reference to a X31 truck that was trying to get away."
Cops' threats to Geral Sosbee:
"In the mean time, don't try to flee or elude the police. It would be wrong...... and could be fatal. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."
Another insane cop threatens Geral Sosbee, issues an unlawful order, and with the enthusiasm of a serial killer brags about executions:
"Stay in Texas and stay off our board. Texas is a great place for criminals....highest number on death row and the highest number of executions. The eyes of Texas are upon you....flee and see what happens."
Finally, the people of the United States must discover the sick and criminal minds of the police and the fbi in order to intelligently resist the violent and murderous methods employed as SOP throughout the so-called 'law enforcement' community (i.e., the gang of thugs in the houses of the **LD).
or see:
The sooner the people are educated about the out of control cops, fbi, etc., the better able we are to defend agaisnt them.
Yours Truly, Geral Sosbee
29 Jun 2011 @ 14:21
All Discussions My Discussions Settings Add Options▼FBI/CIA, POLICE HAVE A SIMPLE MESSAGE TO THE TARGETPosted by geral sosbee on June 29, 2011 at 9:03am in Untitled Category (Change)
View Discussions
The fbi/cia/police and their operatives have a simple message for the Target:
We Intend to....
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than
those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
24 Jun 2011 @ 13:26
The fbi's CJIS fabricates files on millions of Americans (including congress) in order to blackmail or otherwise threaten them with ruination; many such files are based on rumor and unsubstantiated claims made by fbi paid informants and operatives and by professional liars. The CJIS together with the fbi/cia can thus destroy any Target at will. These are the fools who have brought about totalitarian rule in the United States of America.
The fbi's CJIS hoodlum terrorists send Sosbee the following subliminal message that he is Targeted For Terror by the CJIS:
By Location > Visit Detail
IP Address 153.31.113.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
Country : United States (Facts)
State : West Virginia
City : Clarksburg
Time of Visit Jun 24 2011 7:32:27 am
Page Views 4
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page:
See original site meter image at:
For more info on the traitorous and corrupt hoodlums who run CJIS see:
At about the same time the following harassing/hate mail is sent to me from ctpost
Bridgeport, CT
ds111111 sent you a message
Reply |noreply@ctpost.com to me
show details 4:20 AM (3 hours ago)
dateFri, Jun 24, 2011 at 4:20 AM
subjectds111111 sent you a message
hide details 4:20 AM (3 hours ago)
ds111111 sent you a private message.
To view this message, follow the link below:
-------------------- Subject: Your Post
Its too bad your Wh*ore of a mother didnt have an abortion --------------------
18 Jun 2011 @ 16:22
I have documented for over a decade the tactics used by the fbi in their efforts to silence or neutralize me; THIS REPORT SUMMARIZES THE SALIENT ASPECTS OF MY REPORTS.
I have documented for over a decade the tactics used by the fbi in their efforts to silence or neutralize me. Their efforts have failed because the truth of my reports are self-evident, especially as I produce abundant evidence of the harassment, libel, torture, threats, attempted murder against me (see links below). I have also suggested that all who do not challenge (at least verbally) the tyranny and murderous oppression of the current United States war lords [notably those in the fbi/cia] are partly responsible by default for the continuing crimes against humanity that are ongoing under the surface (i.e., hidden by the popular media) around the globe:
Also, one must beware of the French horns and Baritones evident of the Marine Corp’s TV musical recruitment appeal to our young men and focus more on the misuse of our military by the low life assassins of the fbi/cia:
Perhaps the last hope for the education of the public is through the Indymedia groups and/or private websites of activists for peace. In this regard see a recent order from a shill (ruben stevens) that I stop posting on Indymedia:
Finally, in order for the reader of this report to investigate for himself the evidence of the emerging world inhumane domination by assassins, see the links shown below. THANK YOU KINDLY. geral
COINTELPRO: The FBI's Covert Action Programs Against American Citizens
cia atrocities:
modern day cointel tactics:
more hate & death messages sent from street thugs and fbi shills here:
fbi’s subliminal message to Sosbee :
Imbecilic sgt at arms:
more death messages:
fbi operative exposed:
COINTELPRO in acton (19 plus parts):
COINTELPRO overview:
Excerpt:” To impugn the sanity of the target is another common tactic, with the intent that friends and family will not believe the horror stories of persecution and will instead believe the target to be mentally unbalanced or "paranoid". It is true that 'clinical' paranoia is a form of psychopathology; on the other hand, as those of us so targeted know all too well, the persecution is not 'imagined' (as a function of abberant psychology, such as delusions) but very real; it is life-destroying and often life-threatening in one way or another.”
My report on Bar Journal article:
See some of the corrupt laws that allow the fbi and others to harass, torture and possibly kill their Targets:
See Also:
16 Jun 2011 @ 16:56
The need to awaken to real reform
FBI/CIA/MI5-6 and their war machine supporters
After I received the following hate message, I learned of the many media groups owned and operated by media leader, Daily Mail, UK:
from moderation@dailymailonline.co.uk
to gsosbee@gmail.com
dateWed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:23 AM
subjectUser has been banned.
moderation@dailymailonline.co.uk to me
show details 4:23 AM (4 hours ago)
Your account has been permanently de- activated for going against the Community Guidelines.
You are no longer allowed to post on the Daily Mail or other Associated Newspapers Ltd sites using this or any other user. Please be advised that should you post again we reserve the right to contact your ISP/employer and seek that action is taken against you.
Senior Community Editor
Daily Mail
Terms: [link]
House Rules: [link]
Privacy Policy: [link]
Contact: [link]
• daily mail
• metro
• this is money
• travel mail
• weekend
• you
• live
• the mail on sunday
• seven days
• Kevin Beatty Group managing director Associated Newspapers
• Paul Dacre Editor-in-chief Associated Newspapers
While some media groups focus on fluff,
The MI5 and MI6 groups, together with fbi/cia/mossad are on a global killing spree and boldly proclaim that no criticism is tolerated on state supported media. My reports always focus on the techniques used by this nation, the USA, in their killing operations:
I was surprised to receive the threatening hate mail above because I assumed that all people, especially the British (given their near collapse under Hitler), would not calmly accept the display of unbridled Gestapo tactics anywhere.
How soon they forget history, even as the war lords of today proclaim that they are saving the world from terrorism. On this subject, the only terrorism I have ever witnessed in my 65 years of survival study are the near demonic and always relentless attacks and threats by this government on people around the world.
Thus I must conclude that the above listed Daily Mail overlords and their subsidiaries are controlled by the most heinous and homicidal groups of thugs and assassins ever to live on the planet:
fbi/cia/mossad/mi5,mi6 and their supporters in and out of government service.
See my recent report on the topic at:
The present task, however, is not to simply point blame at the mesmeric media and the killers they support, but instead to suggest the need to mandate a solution to the global killing/torturing spree by the miscreants in the above listed agencies.
This universal human predicament (i.e. , how to stop governments and people from war and killing) is largely ignored by the populace and its media charlatans, perhaps because many human beings profit from the killings. Twisted economic ideologies, however, may not fully explain the murderous aggression of the species; the sick human animal itself is integral to the cause of unmitigated carnage continually spreading globally for millenia. Yet the scientists, doctors, lawyers and others in the intellectual community (i.e., universities) are mainly silent on this topic of government sponsored atrocities, probably because they profit the most in a materialistic culture from the torturing, suffering and bloodletting.
Finally, the answer to the dilemma suggested above lies deep in the hearts of all peoples who, however much programmed by corrupt dogma and decadent pedigree [such as we see in England, USA, etc.], have the capacity to turn the tables on the assassins. The need to do so is not yet sufficiently visible to the ruling classes of the world, but tomorrow is a new day, and as we may learn from our mentors of past eras, the idea is father of the deed:
"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.
15 Jun 2011 @ 17:33
Free speech is often undermined when government operatives control some Indy Media groups and public message boards. See a few examples in this report.
Threats and Bans Globally For Posting My Reports of fbi/cia/police Atrocities
Many public message boards & Indy groups (such as Miami Indymedia & *dailymail.co.uk), et al ban & threaten this author at the direction of the criminals in the fbi/cia. My reports focus primarily on the assassins of the police and fbi/cia and their ongoing atrocities against Targets globally.
In some instances I document evidence of American intelligence community’s fraud on and manipulation of the financial markets, particularly in the largely unregulated (by design) futures markets:
MSN permanently banned me for reporting evidence of such destructive financial chicanery:
Yahoo also banned me from all message & news boards for the ‘’content’’ of my reports.
The main purpose for this report is to suggest that public news boards on line and the major search engines are now being controlled in part by the very criminals in government who engage in the global crime spree (or cover up thereof) that I labor to document; thus, as the world slips into an abyss of tyranny and murderous oppression at the hands of evil doers (such as those in the fbi/cia) one must necessarily place partial blame for such in the controllers of media who prevent large sections of the population from viewing reports such as mine:
Another source of responsibility for blocking reports of atrocities are the local police and universities, etc. who, acting as de facto fbi operatives, threaten to arrest and prosecute this reporter for his postings:
Finally, the fbi/cia have on line operatives whose duty is to disparage my posts and to engage in ad hominem attacks:
Here is an example of on line sneaks pretending to engage in proper discourse, while undermining legitimate posts.
By: Zaius-PhD
“I hope the NWO throws you in a hole and we never have to hear your ranting again":
And here is the hate message that prompted this report:
*from moderation@dailymailonline.co.uk
to gsosbee@gmail.com
dateWed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:23 AM
subjectUser has been banned.
moderation@dailymailonline.co.uk to me
show details 4:23 AM (4 hours ago)
Your account has been permanently de- activated for going against the Community Guidelines.
You are no longer allowed to post on the Daily Mail or other Associated Newspapers Ltd sites using this or any other user. Please be advised that should you post again we reserve the right to contact your ISP/employer and seek that action is taken against you.
Senior Community Editor
Daily Mail
House Rules:
Privacy Policy:
And from this group I receive the cold shoulder shown below:
"The site has blocked you from posting new comments. "
10 Jun 2011 @ 01:39
Tom- Thanks for the observations.
I have to use the library because the fbi destroys any computer that I buy.
I pay a webmaster in LA to do all of my updates on my main site (sosbeevfbi).
I can see by your reports that the fbi is all over you the way they are on me. This takes a great toll in all manner and only a stong man can survive it.
Regarding leaving the country, I too would do so if at all possible. I tried Thailand and was almost killed there during my 3 month stay; then, I tried Mexico which the fbi/cia control at will.
Regarding efforts in court, I realize that all such legal action ag/the fbi is futile. I knew even when I filed my case that the courts would probably be manipulated by the punk thugs of the fbi.
However, much of my work and present efforts are not so much to seek redress , nor even to try to stay alive ( for my medical problems-caused primarily by the fbi- bring home to me the realization of my own mortality), but to create an historical paper trail that cannot be ignored when the people wake up to the nightmare life waiting for them under the tyrannical thugs of the fbi.
All in all I find some comfort in the fact that I am visiting on the insane hoodlums of the fbi Mafia an unending dose of medicine (in the form of truthful documentations of their many felonies) that will screw them for the next hundred years. If I am wrong in this, then I still am rewarded in the belief that my efforts on behalf of Humanity is self sustaining in terms of my life's true accomplishments.
I consider you and others here on this forum similarly important for the stand against the most heinous group of punk thug terrorists ever to inhabit the planet. We are, I believe, making powerful history and our peaceful confrontation of the cowardly assassins of the fbi reflects on our great worth to civilization. I am honored to be in your company.
8 Jun 2011 @ 15:16
See my recent report on how the fbi occasionally uses local police as proxies in unlawful efforts to arrest the Target.
See the transparently fraudulent University of Texas (UT) *Police report intended to serve as a basis for criminal investigation, arrest and prosecution of Geral W. Sosbee (Target) for a **non existing crime.
For the past decade or two the fbi, in its efforts to silence this Target, has orchestrated extensive and elaborate attempted stings against him; the assassins of the fbi/cia have also made numerous and ongoing attempts on his life. All such crimes have been documented at various websites such as:
[link] (in 19 parts),
Recently, the Office of Special Counsel advises Sosbee that the fbi is allowed by law to engage in any otherwise unlawful acts against a whistleblower as established under
Title 5,U.S.C.,See:
Over the past two years Sosbee has been the object of yet another inhumane and joint intel operation by the fbi/UT Police/UT staff designed to arrest and confine him. See
false criminal police report # 094578 and explanation at:
* [link]
As no government agency, no attorney, no court and no legislator is capable of addressing the felonies committed against this Target, the only viable alternative is to expose these events publicly as best I am able and to endure the ongoing torture campaign until the end.
I might add that many persons may think that only fbi/cia whistleblowers, or Targets such as Geral W. Sosbee and Osama bin Laden may be sanctioned for torture and death by the United States government. The truth is that any person, including our US citizens, war vets, foreigners, etc., are subject to extreme torture (both physical and psychological) anywhere in the world until that Target is incarcerated or killed. As I have shown in the above update and other sites, the fbi/cia easily use local police as proxies (both officially and unofficially) to assault the Target of their contrived contempt and misplaced hatred.
Consider, then, the material that appears above and on related links, if one is interested in understanding the emerging evil nation that threatens to supremely and inhumanely rule all human beings, for all times throughout the universe.
** [The filing of a false police report is a class B Misdemeanor.
Texas Penal Code - Section 37.08. False Report To Peace Officer Or Law Enforcement Employee]
18 May 2011 @ 18:51
DOJ advises me today of the legal basis for some electronic surveillance operations. [Note that a decade ago the fbi began their fraudulent investigation and even a law suit could not force the fbi to admit to the existence of any crime by this Target; see:
[link] ].
The US Department of Treasury has formulated rules for monitoring and tracking suspects; these rules are then used by the fbi in order to fraudulently obtain a court order (under the guise of
' evidence of a crime' allegedly committed by the Target).
The fbi never charges a crime because no crime exists, but the phony investigation and covert crimes against the Target by the fbi are permanent and as I have shown not subject to review by even the US Supreme court.
Then, the fbi thugs and criminals without time limits proceed to try to arrest or kill the Target, or at least force the Target into suicide.See: [link]
Below is the link to the Treasury rule; if the link does not work, then enter the following words in Google for the link: "federal rules to non consensual audio monitoring."
The *DOJ visit (& sublimnal suggestion to me) is shown below:
160.9 Electronic Tracking Devices.
TIGTA utilizes two types of electronic tracking devices in support of field investigations:
160.9.1 Electronic Tracking Device Authorizations. The installation and use of tracking devices is covered under Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and specifically pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3117, Mobile Tracking Devices.
By Location > Visit Detail
Domain Name usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
ISP US Dept of Justice
State : Virginia
City : Arlington
Time of Visit May 18 2011 11:56:05 am
Search Words federal rules to non consensual audio monitoring
Visit Entry Page sosbeevfb/non-consensual
17 May 2011 @ 13:25
The various officers of the United States government including President Barack Obama and others listed in the narrative below (and those persons who support them) are hereby identified as candidates for either a war crimes trial or a new Nuremberg Trial for engaging in high crimes against my person, for presenting false statements at court, for slandering and libeling me in efforts to persuade the corrupt judges (in illegal ex parte sessions)to throw my case out with prejudice, and for treason. For *links see:
All judges and justices (including those in the United States Supreme Court, The United States Court of Appeals For the 9th Circuit, The United States District Court and Judge thereof Manuel L. Real), all US attorneys including Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Leon W. Weidman, and Sarah R. Robinson, all named defendants at court as reflected at
and other persons (including doctors, dentists, & lawyers) some of whom are not yet identified who participated in or who otherwise assisted in the ongoing ten to twenty year attempted murder & torture campaign (as well as other offenses) against Geral W. Sosbee as outlined at [link] are to be named as criminal defendants at trial. The specific defendants include but are not limited to:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation,FBI Director Robert Mueller, the CIA, The United States Department of Justice, Louis Freeh, Janet Reno, James Desarno. All departments of government including those listed at
and their operatives, informants and assigns who assisted in the perpetration of heinous offenses against my person as I have extensively outlined on my sites, and each judge who allowed the thugs of government to corrupt civil process in order to incessantly harm me.
The laws which are violated by the above listed persons include violations of the letter and spirit of the United States Constitution, including the following specific passages found at Preamble, Articles IV, VI; Amendments: I, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII,IX,X,XIV.Formore see:
All private individuals who carried out the various high crimes and misdemeanors against my person and all material witnesses thereto are also to be brought to justice.See included offenses at:
Until all CULPABLE persons, including members of Congress, are held responsible for the crime wave which I have documented against my person, no citizen of the USA is safe; further and theoretically, no law which is enforced against the people of the United States of America is validly enforced because all law enforcement agencies of the nation are corrupted as evidenced by their continued hostile refusal to investigate the crimes that I have documented. Finally, each person who is imprisoned or otherwise accused (whether convicted or not) in every jurisdiction in the nation must be exonerated and released/discharged and record purged, because the persons who bring the charges are in every scenario the greatest criminal and moral offenders in our land.
QUESTIONS!geral sosbee (956)536-0439
Regarding fbi efforts to silence critics,
“So far as opposition is concerned in any form, the opposition of each individual person was not tolerated unless it is a matter of no importance.”Goering
12 May 2011 @ 15:14
On March 29, 2006 I posted an article on the fbi and its society that the thugs found too revealing; the assassins promptly deleted the report. Here is the three line segment that remained after the hacking of the report:
Article #: 95
Date: 29 Mar 2006 @ 00:27
By: Geral W. Sosbee
Article Subject:
Text for
Front Page: "The stated objectives of the fbi agents in the world today are summarized below by Geral W. Sosbee (who also takes the liberty to edit same in order to highlight the lunacy of this misguided band of thugs):Note that these assassins pretend to know the meaning of the term, "public good", even as they (the fbi agents and their cia cowardly & evil counterparts )murder, torture and imprison good an"
Now, as I discover the fbi hacking of my report referenced above I add the following update:
In my original post I quoted the fools of the fbi agent society who actually admitted that their work is in part designed to further the interest and success of their members. Then, the author of the glowing public profile gratuitously proclaimed that all of the fbi society's self serving strides are for the public good.I pointed out in my original post that the society has no business seeking to profit themselves and that their duty is to the people and to the United States Constitution. Apparently, the fbi criminal who deleted my post was told to do so by his own superior because my post highlighted the treasonous stature as reflected by the society's public posture.Thus, while my post was deleted illegally, I forced the thugs to straighten up and to change their public profile.In other words, my efforts at once exposed the fbi as criminals and branded them as cowards.
10 May 2011 @ 21:52
U.S. Government engagement in support of global disease surveillance
1 U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, USA
2 George Washington University, School of Public Health and Health Services, Washington, DC, USA
3 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Riverdale, MD, USA
4 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA
5 U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, USA
6 U.S. Department of Defense, Arlington, VA, USA
7 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA
8 U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
9 U.S. Department of Defense, Silver Spring, MD, USA
The fbi and the cia (et al) abuse the 'global disease surveillance project' by singling out unsuspecting Targets for a tortuous life and near certain death.
See my reports at the following links in an effort to comprehend the effects on human beings of the secret torture and abuse program now exploited by the fbi/cia and others:
The real intent of the government is sometimes:
The Target or victim of abuses is perpetually abused by the goal (or under the pretense of) of imprisoning him/her:
In some instances the Target gets a double whammy:
Incidentally, the intel groups play both sides against the middle here:
The Target must recognize the forces brought against him/her and make a stand:
Here are the global implications of the violent rule by fiat brought to us by the fbi/cia:
And here is the awful truth of the victims' ultimate plight:
The real war on terror:
No end in sight to violence and conflict:
A common tool to kill and torture:
My medical records pose a profound dilemma for the assassins: keep the torture going even though the evidence contradicts our standards:
Deadly Communicable Diseases
The following is a list of deadly contagious or communicable diseases that have killed millions of people all over the world.
•All Lower respiratory infectious diseases
•Whooping Cough
•Hepatitis B
Contagious Diseases List
The following is an alphabetical list of common as well as highly contagious diseases. This is a non exhaustive list.
•Athlete's foot
•Bacterial meningitis
•Common cold
•Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)
•Epstein Barr virus
•Flu (Influenza)
•Fungal skin infections
•Molluscum contagiosum
•Infectious mononucleosis
•MRSA staph infection
•Nail fungus
•Nongonococcal urethritis
•Pelvic inflammatory disease
•Plantar warts
•Roseola infantum
•Rubella (German measles)
•Scarlet fever
•Strep throat
•Swine flu
•Viral gastroenteritis
•Viral laryngitis
•Whooping cough (pertussis)
Roughly two out of every three deaths on the planet is now caused by non-communicable disease, and the U.N. estimates that by 2030, 52 million people will die annually from these diseases. That's five times as many deaths as the estimated death toll for infectious disease.
But the burden of non-communicable illness falls heavily on the poor.
The above report is hidden by Boston not so independent media for the following reason:
Your IMC website article has been hidden
boston-tech@lists.indymedia.org via csail.mit.edu
9:46 PM (11 hours ago)
to me
Your article entitled "GLOBAL DISEASE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM AND ITS ABUSE BY FBI" has been hidden from the newswire by peter.
The hide code was: Other.
The article is still available at the original URL, or on the hidden newswire page.
Feel free to reply to this message if you have any questions regarding this action.
Thank you, The IMC Editorial Collective.
12 Apr 2011 @ 20:07
As I have previously documented the Chicago fbi chief, SAC *Richard G. Held and his subordinate Ken Kaiser engaged in an elaborate and choreographed effort in 1975 to force me out of the fbi at the direction of the Tampa, Florida office, as a result of my report of unlawful fbi conduct in the **Rodriguez case.
At the same time Held ordered Kaiser to insure that Agent Sosbee (me) would not be present during an all agents conference wherein Held would outline certain possibly unlawful fbi operations taking place in Chicago at the time; Held did not trust Agent Sosbee and therefore did not want me present at the conference.So, Kaiser ordered me to go to the fbi academy for a Police Instructor's (PI) course which was conducted during the time that the Held conference was in progress. I advised Kaiser that due to personal family crises I could not attend the PI course at this time.Kaiser then ordered me to go to the course and that I had no other option. Note that I worked in the Chicago fbi office as a counter intel agent and that the PI course was of absolutely no use to me in my capacity as an Internal Security specialist. The PI course was used as ruse to remove me from Chicago for a brief time; this in itself constituted a fraud on the government.
While I was attending the ***PI course my father died and other family tragedies also struck at about the same time.
See also:
Also during the time that I was assigned to the Chicago office, Held delivered a document to me with reference to the Rodriguez case (cited above); one of Held's assistants advised me that the case by Rodriguez against the fbi was settled out of court and that the court wanted a final statement from me that I had no other information to provide in the case. I signed the document unaware that the fbi lied to the court about my knowledge of the false and unlawful arrest of Rodriguez. The Rodriguez case was finally finished in 1976. After the statutory time limits for appeal had passed in about 1978, the New York City fbi boss (Alfred E. Smith), insured that finally, at long last I could be drummed out of the service and that my reputation could be ruined so as to prevent me from ever commenting in a credible manner on the criminal conduct of dozens of fbi agents.See:
After I attended law school I discovered the great legal fraud that the fbi had perpetrated on the country in the Rodriguez case; I also learned to my horror that the fbi was not through with me; that I would be the object of an fbi torture program for the rest of my life.
This report is submitted for the record. geral sosbee
29 Mar 2011 @ 19:17
Throughout my *websites I identify by name in some instances (or by general description or photo in other cases) the individual doctors, dentists, lawyers, laymen and others who assist the fbi and the cia in the calumny, torture and attempted murder of Geral Sosbee. In all scenarios which I chronicle, the police, courts and legislators in all jurisdictions also unlawfully turn their backs on reports of crimes committed against my person. Many of the individual citizens who assist the fbi thugs in their heinous criminal offenses against me pretend to live otherwise respectable lives in their communities; their patients and fellow church and synagogue members are almost certainly not aware of the criminal (and nazi type) minds lurking beneath the phony smiles and false façades of the perpetrators whom I describe because many of them are doctors of medicine and dentistry who are greedy and self centered misanthropes lacking any true sense of human decency (or respect for the rights of others) and seeking **fbi /cia approval. Thus these dangerous and evil individuals assist the fbi/cia on queue in the criminal assaults on the unsuspecting victim (in this report, moi).
The government's use of members of the general population (sometimes referred to as gang stalking) to attack the target of the fbi/cia neutralization campaign is now a crime wave of epic proportions and no end to the madness is in sight.
Further, the convolution of sentiment of the general population from civility to barbarity now spreads across the earth (like an artificially synthesized disease) under the authority of and in concert with USA sponsored wars which are vehemently pursued by the fbi/cia, et al.
The result of the program to turn ordinary individuals into occasional government assassins and torturers is a world in chaos because the individual’s will power is often undermined by corrupt and murderous government agents and provocateurs. The world is become in a sense a battlefield for all inhabitants, not just those wearing military uniforms; the inimical animosity spreading across our global village portends ill for the future of mankind due to the willingness of the citizens to join in the fbi/cia's ever growing sesspool of assassins.
Thank you.
**The duty to investigate gross violations of the United States Constitution rests with the federal bureau of investigation; the assassins of the fbi are delighted to read that many victims of gang stalking (and the police involvement therein) do not comprehend the nature of the iron hand that has fallen upon them.
The thugs in blue know this and the fbi/cia fully exploit the confusion of the Targets, the fear of the general population, and the corruption of the cops whose leaders are trained at the fbi national academy.
On a positive note: the world now benefits from the revelations that we, the Mind Warriors, enunciate and we are at once fortunate and honored to lead the assault on the most thoroughly evil and homicidal humans ever to live on the planet.
"And this is how evil accomplishes its aims. This is how a reign of terror succeeds in imprisoning the spirit of a once free people." Janet Phelan
See also:
16 Mar 2011 @ 01:34
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
NOTE: This is one segment of a report (2006) titled, The Wreckers: False Lights and the Nature of Evil.
For entire report:
The Wreckers; False Lights and the Nature of Evil
...Those of us who seek justice, who defend our individual rights and liberties, bestowed by God, fight them [evildoers] with every fiber of our being. We expose their evil, bringing it into the light. But to fight them, to expose them truly and well, we must first understand the nature of evil. Unless and until evil is recognized for what it actually is, all efforts to expose it, to vanquish it, are in vain.
I have heard many people say they do not "believe" in evil. Or, some claim, that in the universe, good and evil must be "balanced". Some believe that we "create our own reality", which is neither "good" nor "evil", but only serves to teach us "lessons."
They don't believe there are any victims, nor any perpetrators of evil. No, they actually BLAME THE VICTIMS for any and all evil that is done to them.
They claim we are "responsible" for all that befalls us....after all, they smugly opine, it was only a "life lesson" we needed to learn. They say we must "take responsibility" for every event in our lives, as it is just part and parcel of our "spiritual evolution".
What's more, we must also have "compassion" for those who treat us wrongfully, no matter how heinous the abuse; we must try to "understand" them...after all, they are our "teachers".
Try selling this crock of perfumed hogswill to the victims of the wreckers, the survivors of family members murdered by the wreckers.
Such utter foolishness is mind boggling; pathological idiocy in its worst form. And tragically, this false belief system has taken hold among millions of people, most notably those in the New Age movement, a toxic amalgam of fascism, communism, globalist collectivism and what I would call Mickey Mouse Metaphysics.
It has been designed to lead the populace away from individual critical thinking, as well as to stamp out genuine spirit-filled intuition; and ultimately, to sever an individual's personal relationship with the Creator, whence all gifts of the spirit emanate.
Refusing to believe in the existence of evil, it follows that they do not believe certain individuals to be inherently evil, nor the collectives comprised of these individuals, whose sole intent is to do evil.
The deniers of evil, who obviously lack any form of spiritual or intellectual discernment, will thereby claim that the lowest and most despicable of traits, as well as the highest forms of saintliness and goodness, coexist in each and every individual. That we are ALL "capable" of either extreme.
What they are really saying is that we are all capable of "evil", though they still, in their self-contradictory mindset, deny its existence. They claim that we are all the same, as if we come into the world straight out of some cookie-cutter mold. How very, very wrong they are. How very, very foolish. How completely have their minds been co-opted.
Those of us who have directly perceived the forces of evil, who have apprehended evil in its various forms, including as incarnated in the flesh; who have faced it down and stood our ground against it, know beyond any shadow of doubt that evil is a reality, to be ignored, discounted or denied, always at one's own peril.
Collective indoctrination which denies evil is, of course, foisted upon society by the top-ranking evildoers themselves. The denial that perpetrating evil is a PERSONAL CHOICE, with malice aforethought, to control, to exploit and to do harm to others, a choice made by each individual, is also responsible for perpetuating the evils of the world; in part by enabling the evildoers; by institutionalizing their evil; by making evil "acceptable" in the mass psyche, the collective consciousness.
In such a way does society --the individuals who comprise it-- become innured to evil.
By all means, let's roll out the red carpet for evildoers!
"Nurture over nature" proponents (some of whom call themselves "scientists" or "psychologists") ; or those who see each human being as a "tabula rasa" (blank slate) fail to comprehend the most basic truth: That evildoers are entirely lacking in humanity, that in effect, they have no souls.
Or, that what "souls" they may have are artificial and do not belong to God. Or, that they have sold their souls in the pursuit of material/flesh/ego-gratification, in the lust for power to be wielded over all God's creation; in their grotesque vanity, to attempt to usurp the very power of God.
But in any case, and in every case, evil is a personal choice. Those who consciously and willfully choose evil will be held accountable, if not before humanity, then certainly before God. Still, it is the duty of all who see and understand the nature of evil to expose it, to defy it and to make every effort to hold the evildoers accountable for their crimes against God and humanity.
As for those who do not recognize evil for what it is, they are doomed to be used by evildoers, who feed on their confusion; their naivete; and their character flaws, exacerbated by indoctrination, and their profound ignorance.
And until such time (if ever) that they learn to recognize evil, they cannot be delivered from that which they refuse to acknowledge. It is really all that simple, and yet, far too many of these brainwashed individuals fail to see this simple truth and thus fall prey to the machinations of evildoers.
Perhaps I could compare them to lost souls, dejectedly wandering through a seemingly endless dark tunnel. When finally, they glimpse "a light at the end of the tunnel", they believe they have found their way out, that deliverance is near.
Then, in shock and horror, they hear the roar of the approaching train, bearing down on them, its blinding headlights the last thing they will ever see.
Even false light travels faster than sound. Evil can only win through deception, through engendering false perception, false lights.
In conjunction with deception, evil always involves aggression, intrusion, invasion, exploitation and predation, in various forms.
Evil does not respect --nor even acknowledge-- the spiritual integrity and personal boundaries of others: the Inviolability of Personhood.
Evil does not respect the sanctity of an individual life, nor the natural rights and liberties bestowed upon that life by God.
Evil is entirely devoid of compassion, empathy, mercy and conscience.
Evil is a voracious black hole whose vortex subsumes all ambient light and consumes the lives, the hopes and dreams of innocents.
Psychopathology is inherent in the nature of evil, at least in human terms.
Those who do evil may be narcissists, sociopaths, callous opportunists. Call them what you will, evildoers are criminally insane.
Just know that their abiding creed is to USE, to CONSUME, the more the better; and yet their hunger is inexhaustible, as their negatively-inflated egos can never, ever get enough.
They are psychic vampires who feed off the etheric/spiritual energies of their victims.
They are "social engineers" who get by in the world with oily charm and "situational ethics".
Having no conscience, the very idea of moral absolutes is beyond their ken.
They are liars, thieves, poseurs, mountebanks, merchants of false hope.
The virtues of compassion, mercy, charity, spiritual love and selfless service to others are seen only as weaknesses, weaknesses they can exploit, and which ultimately may become fatal "weaknesses" in their targets and victims.
Lacking all love, light and truth, the evildoers seek to destroy these virtues wherever they may find them, as means and opportunity permit.
In their ceaseless aggression, these diabolical predators intrude, invade, stalk, harass and persecute; they rape, they loot and plunder, all the while bearing false witness against their quarry, often accusing them of the very crimes of which they themselves are guilty as sin.
Again, the deception. They live and breathe lies, firing up the false lights at every turn.
They masquerade as paragons of virtue; as freedom fighters; as ministers to the downtrodden; as defenders of the underdog; as shepherds to the lost; as benefactors to the needy; as champions of justice. But their hearts are hollow, black and cold.
They commit atrocities and blackmail each other to cover up their crimes. They destroy the lives and hopes of all those without the wherewithal to protect themselves, especially innocent children, who are seen as nothing more than vessels of convenience on which to visit their vile sexual perversions.
Who cares? It's only one little life, and they hunt it down, simply because they can.
This, all this, is the nature of evil. I have only scratched the surface in attempting to describe it. But can anyone with the slightest bit of spiritual discernment doubt it?
Evil exists and anyone who claims otherwise is either an evildoer or is deceived, enslaved by evildoers.
Listen to their words, hear their lies and false promises, but instead of blindly believing, perceive only with the light of spirit, from your heart.
Look from your heart to see the fruits they bear. By their fruits shall you know them.
When you perceive by the Holy Spirit, living in your heart, they can deceive you no more.
Barbara Hartwell
November 27, 2006
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA
23 Feb 2011 @ 20:28
Evidence That fbi Engaged In Dirty Monkey Business Using Chemicals
I just learned important information from someone at Clemson University, Anderson, S.C., who sent me numerous messages subliminally regarding the data shown *below and how it relates to the size, shape and the chemical content of the suspicious kidney stone (ks) in me as shown at
Here is the partial report & link from the professional study of synthesized kidney stones:
*Journal of Endourology
Published in Volume: 22 Issue 1: January 22, 2008
"Conclusions: We present ... technically simple procedure for the formation of artificial kidney stones of predetermined size and shape."
Robert I. Carey, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Urology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
Christopher C. Kyle, M.D., M.P.H.
Department of Urology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
Donna L. Carey, M.D.
Department of Urology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
Raymond J. Leveillee, M.D.
Department of Urology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
I can do little more than post the above link and data on the ks page of my site; the US government has a great deal to lose if this dirty ks monkey business is verified. The USA would become the laughing stock of the universe.
So, the congress or the CDC and HHS certainly do not want to investigate the overwhelming **evidence on my site that the fbi orchestrated the synthesized ks in my body by the use of a specific combination of chemicals. The fbi assassins had the motive,means & opportunity to do so.
**See these pages and links
25 Jan 2011 @ 01:05
The Thai government allows the fbi/cia assassins to engage in crime sprees against Targets in Thailand as I have described:
I also documented criminal terrorist threats delivered to me in the year 2010 by Thai thugs who operate with the support of the Thai government, including the Thai Prime Minister:
Finally, the Royal Thai government now sends Sosbee a confirmation of their awareness of and participation in the crimes committed against Sosbee in Thailand over a decade ago; here is the subliminal evidence (shown in the site meter image shown below) of the Thai government's role in fbi/cia crimes which I outline at:
By Location > Visit Detail
IP Address 202.143.159.# (Ministry of Education MOE)
ISP Ministry of Education MOE
Language Thai
Time of Visit Jan 24 2011 5:04:43 am
Referring URL [link]
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Visitor's Time Jan 24 2011 6:04:43 pm
Thailand officials *re-visit this site to review the above statements which invite the government thugs there to come out of hiding and to state exactly why they allow the fbi/cia assassins to run their country at will.
By Location > Visit Detail
IP Address 124.122.141.# (True Internet Co.)
Location Continent : Asia
Country : Thailand (Facts)
State/Region : Krung Thep
City : Bangkok
Language Thai
Time of Visit Jan 25 2011 9:30:24 am
Visit Entry Page:
Visit Exit Page:
Visitor's Time Jan 25 2011 10:30:24 pm
4 Jan 2011 @ 17:40
The fbi assassins and torturers invade My Space evidently at will for the purpose of delivering threats and vile,venomous messages to the Target [ The fact that the threats are in quotes does not diminish the meaning].
My Space ignores my reports of abuse on the board and in one instance maliciously submits to the 'center for suicide prevention' ** profile data on Sosbee.
Here are the links to the threats,etc.Note particularly the messages from womd and *\m/ World85 \m/:
The above links have been removed by My Space to prevent my further documentation of their unethical conduct.
--------- ----------------- ------------
"... I shoot you in the face and sleep like a baby. I used to shoot fucks like you and stack ya up five feet high, use ya for sand bags. I'll fucking kill you..."
On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Myspace.com wrote to gsosbee@gmail.com:
...we have forwarded links to both your profile and the profile in question to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for follow-up. We encourage you to reach out to them as well to discuss this matter. They can be reached by phone at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)...
See My comments at:
*The above statement:
"... I shoot you in the face and sleep like a baby. I used to shoot fucks like you and stack ya up five feet high, use ya for sand bags. I'll fucking kill you..."
appears to have been written by a homicidal psychopath. More >
10 Dec 2010 @ 17:00
Ted Gunderson (hereinafter referred to as 'gun')recently wrote the following words to my good friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell:
"Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came.Ted L Gunderson, FBI-SAC(Ret)"
SOSBEE writes:
Such words as quoted above when directed against one of the true and great Defenders of Liberty (Barbara Hartwell) offend all sensitive persons who read them, but especially those of us who know and respect Barbara for her stand against government corruption. Indeed the 'righteous' as you call them reject the use of such descriptions above because no human being merits such a label.
However, gun is steeped in the use of labels, especially those that send good and innocent people to torture chambers, to prisons or to their deaths; gun is an expert by his own proclamation of his credentials (i.e.:SAC) in
a) black operations,b) mind games, c) secret agent-provacateur dirty deeds worldwide.
See examples of the mind games by Ted Gunderson as he attempts to misrepresent and verbally attack the very persons whom the fbi and the cia seek to torture, imprison, or kill(note Gunderson's clever & perverse use of the word 'disinformation' in his disinformation campaign):
No, gun, you are wrong. The world needs Barbara Hartwell more than you could possibly know/imagine ; and as you have sold out to the evil forces of a corrupt government (the United States of America) in return for your petty benefits, you are the one who must someday atone for the atrocities you approved, directed, or condoned against men and women over the past half century. Come clean , gun ,about your knowledge regarding offenses and crimes against Humanity; help save the lives of targeted individuals ;and renounce the fascist state that you presently support; then, maybe intelligent and informed people will listen to you.
You dare pretend to show a concern for the people of the United States when in fact you exploit the ignorance and fear of all who listen to you in order to further your own private interests and in order to perpetuate the destructive agenda of the cia and the fbi. The downfall of this country into a fascist state is in part your doing, gun, and you should not be proud of that, no matter how high an office you have attained.
sosbee writes for the record on April 30, 2005:
*gun indicates on his website that he was chief inspector for the fbi in 1973; in such capacity, gun had the responsibility to investigate sosbee's reports of fbi crimes during that year. Not only did he fail to perform his duties as chief inspector, he continued thereafter to serve in high level positions in the fbi at a time when sosbee was being harassed for reporting the criminal conduct of numerous fbi agents as set forth in www.sosbeevfbi.com .
Must See This On Gun:
Also see:
"In early 1971, the FBI's domestic counterintelligence program (code named "COINTELPRO") was brought to light when a "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI" removed secret files from an FBI office in Media, PA and released them to the press. Agents began to resign from the Bureau and blow the whistle on covert operations. That same year, publication of the Pentagon Papers, the Pentagon's top-secret history of the Vietnam War, exposed years of systematic official lies about the war. "
Finally, where was gun during these crimianl episodes:
NEWS of fbi agent John J. Connolly Jr.murderous crimes, Nov. 8, 2008:
From a report at
"It would be one thing if he were a rogue agent, acting alone. But that is not the case. Over three decades beginning in the 1960s, 18 FBI agents either broke the law or violated federal guidelines. In 1965, the FBI framed four innocent men in a gangland murder to protect two mobsters it was trying to cultivate as informants, and then let the innocent men rot in jail for decades."
9 Dec 2010 @ 17:28
Meet one of the most energetic and heroic women of our time,Janet Phelan :
19 Nov 2010 @ 02:15
The fbi thugs try to prevent Sosbee from publishing a short statement in answer to a question posed on the "Yahoo Answers" board. Yahoo at first removes Sosbee's statement (shown below), but reverses the decision to remove upon appeal from Sosbee. For this Yahoo deserves recognition for its honesty and integrity in the face of the liars and miscreants of the fbi & their supporters (referred to below by Yahoo as "the people who reported your answer") who seek at every opportunity to prevent Sosbee from posting compelling facts about the murderous agents of the fbi/cia. Sosbee to Yahoo,
"THANK YOU, YAHOO. from my heart."
Below is the Yahoo message to Sosbee regarding the appeal referenced above:
Your Yahoo! Answers appeal has been approved
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 2:57 PM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Yahoo! Answers"
Add sender to Contacts
Hi geral sosbee,
Thank you for taking the time to submit an appeal. Upon review, we found the following answer was not in violation of the Answers Community Guidelines:
veterans day is a fraud. The girls in the usa *marines assist the cowards in the fbi/cia in the torture & attempted murder of combat vet: [link]
[link] (*always faithful to their sick purposes)
US army also assists the fbi in efforts to arrest same vet:
The Yahoo! Answers Team regrets that your answer was wrongfully reported by the Answers community. Your answer has been reposted to Yahoo! Answers, and we are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
As a result of your appeal, the people who reported your answer will have less influence when reporting abuse in the future.
Yahoo! Answers Team
As of December 7, 2010, YAHOO NEWS prevents Sosbee from all efforts to post comments on the news & finance comment boards.
Here is Yahoo's stated false reason for preventing me from posting:
"If you're not seeing a comment you or someone else posted, it could be
because enough readers on the site have voted Thumbs Down on the
comment. If enough readers vote Thumbs Down on a comment, it is
automatically hidden in order to make more room for other comments."
15 Nov 2010 @ 13:48
See how the assassins of the fbi/cia use the United States Marines & Army in terrorist assaults on disabled war vet.
Note that the fbi hides under the skirts of the Marines at Quantico, Va., and employs ignorant Army intelligence officers to harass and threaten the vet.[ Additional info on this subject is also available at:
[link] ].
This Viet Nam combat vet is the subject of illegal fbi/cia efforts to torture & kill him.
Here is one of my reports on this subject:
The girls in the usa *marines assist the cowards in the fbi/cia in the torture & attempted murder of combat vet:
See world in a box:
(*always faithful to their sick purposes)
US army also assists the fbi in efforts to arrest same vet:
30 Oct 2010 @ 18:12
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
New Reports From Ex-FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee
Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense & Research Trust
P.O. Box 7487
Ocean Park, Maine 04063
Website: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
Note: Here are two recent reports from my good friend and professional colleague ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee. I have known Geral for six years, and as FBI/CIA whistleblowers we have worked together to expose the crimes, corruption, tyranny and treason of these agencies, as well as the hirelings, minions and government shills who report to them, directly or indirectly as the case may be.
I can corroborate Geral's experiences re corruption in the medical field, as outlined in his first report. I too have been subjected to numerous abuses by the medical profession (CIA related) throughout my entire life.
When attempts were made on my life via electromagnetic/exotic weaponry, I nearly died on several occasions. Yet I refused to be taken to a hospital as I knew that CIA might well have people in place to finish me off.
Over a period of years, I have suffered brutal electromagnetic attacks which resulted in the following injuries and illnesses (only a partial list): severe and unbearable pain in my head; violent/projectile vomiting; heart symptoms (I have a congential heart condition); knocked unconscious; laser cuts/burns; hit with directed-energy "bullets".
I should make it clear that these attacks were not any form of "experimentation" or "testing" of weaponry. They were assassination attempts. I know for a fact that the same applies to Geral. Both Geral and I are high-profile targets of these out-of-control intelligence/law enforcement agencies.
In fact, I have incurred massive damages because of these relentless assaults, resulting in permanent disabilities, for which I cannot even get medical care, due to financial destitution, also engineered by these government criminals.
I can only thank God for the angels who surround me and who have saved my life more times than I can count. I know they're with Geral too, I have seen them in the spirit.
I have had to remove the links given in Geral's posts, so please go to Geral's News Log (the original posts) for all links:
Also for more information see Geral's website:
Geral Sosbee is one of very few people reporting these atrocities whose credibility I can completely and unreservedly endorse. What he is reporting is accurate, factual and true. He does not speculate; he does not make unwarranted assumptions. There is no conjecture here, only solid facts backed by hard evidence.
Please take the time to visit Geral's website and see the links connected to his reports.
Barbara Hartwell
August 8, 2007
Notice to Activists and Others Regarding FBI Designs On Medical Patients
6 Aug 2007 (by Geral Sosbee)
The purpose of this report is to attempt to focus attention on the fbi's (and the cia's) use of doctors (both MD, DDS, PhD and other health care providers) to torture and possibly kill Targets. The topic is somewhat difficult to address because misdiagnoses, mistakes and honest errors, might inappropriately in some instances account for (or obscure) certain medical atrocities which are intended to leave the patient dead, maimed, or insane. Few patients dare to criticize their doctors (or other health care providers) for fear of retaliation, or for fear of being labeled 'psychotic'. Thus, the following information may best be considered as an alternative view to popular acceptance of human error as the cause of death (or prolonged illness) in some patients. All scenarios mentioned below represent the actual experiences of this writer.
The fbi and the cia often use a variety of tricks to torture or kill the targeted patient. Many psychiatrists, for example, are directly in the employ of the intelligence agencies and provide the fbi and the cia with a medical or psychiatric report that is completely fabricated in order to institutionalize the Target. An example of this can be found in the medical charts of patients seen by Waldman, M.D., of New York. In such cases,the fbi and the cia conduct psychological operations on the Target who then shows symptoms which the doctor falsely asserts are not inconsistent with psychosis; further , the intelligence services then feed the doctor (in a kind of 'ex-parte' frenzy)false or misleading data which cause the already predisposed doctor to pre-judge and even pre diagnose the patient.
In another example, the patient reports to the doctor that he has a small growth on his right testicle; the doctor (after receiving an fbi fabricated and inflammatory rumor) then records on the chart that this patient must have the right testicle removed. On the day scheduled for the surgery, the patient sneaks a view of the medical chart and notices that someone has changed the record to read, " today's procedure is the removal of the left testacle." The patient then runs for his life, consults two additional doctors and confirms that neither testicle contains a malignant growth and that no surgery is indicated. This incident occurred about twenty (20) years ago and the patient is doing fine with both testacles in tact.
In yet another possible example of fbi macabre influence of a medical team with regards to the targeted patient, note the following scenario (which occurred in El Paso, Texas):
The patient is diagnosed with and set for surgery for a deviated septum; the procedure is successful, but after the patient exits the surgery room and regains consciousness, a new and potentially deadly challenge confronts him. A member of the nursing staff (or an fbi operative on the scene)re-writes the instructions for the care of the recovering patient. The original chart reads that no solid food is to be given to this patient for the customary time period (usually about 12 hours following surgery);the new, re-written instruction reads, "full meals are to be given the patient immediately". The problem then erupts as the patient eats the food, vomits all that he eats and nearly suffocates on his own fluids because he has no open air passage for breathing. The nasal passage is completely sealed off and stuffed following the surgery (for the deviated septum) and as the patient vomits, he cannot breathe.
I will spare the reader additional examples of fbi and cia manipulation of medical staff (designed to torture or kill the Target); I invite you to post your own experiences of this nature for educational purposes. You and I may help save lives by discouraging the torturers and assassins at the hospitals from continuing their devilish trade; at the same time we may suggest to all patients the need to have an intelligent and courageous friend at the side of the patient for as long as possible during the medical procedure/surgery.Note that during my most recent hospital visit (see my reports on the fbi fabricated kidney stone in my person) an unidentified health care provider actively assisted me by monitoring all procedures in my case to insure that I not be tortured or killed. This person is truly a Guardian Angel.
Additional Data On fbi/cia discreet efforts to torture, force suicide, or murder Targets see:
ADDENDUM (October 14, 2012)
I recently learned from
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas that the fbi obtained treatment records on me relating to respiratory problems I experienced as a young boy (1950s). The fbi learned that I have a severe medical reaction to cigarette smoke. While I lived in a townhouse unit in Brownsville in the past decade, the fbi placed a female *operative in the adjoining unit for the purpose of flooding my unit with cigarette smoke. The result was a bronchial infection requiring medical treatment and antibiotics. The same woman (*one Ms. Rodriguez) continues to harass me in the Harlingen, Texas Public Library, on many occasions; the security officer of the library (lisa) confirmed on internal video tape that Rodriguez in fact harassed me while I was in the library on at least two occasions.
Note that a criminal mental illness of fbi agents and operatives is reflected in the numerous instances of their orchestrated attempts to kill or incapacitate me. The US Department of Health and Human Services, OR OTHER AGENCIES, should be required to search all records nationwide (by cross referencing, etc.) over the past 100 years to see how many **politically motivated deaths or serious injuries have been visited upon dissidents or other Targets. See my reports on the synthetic kidney stone, the tooth 14 infection, and the DEW assaults for more data in this regard:
tooth 14:
** :
26 Oct 2010 @ 19:41
As the Target has documented for over a decade, the fbi/cia continue their criminal activity designed as a kind of war against him; this is a progress update of the battle.
The fbi’s campaign to kill this Target (Geral Sosbee, hereinafter referred to as T) continues unabated for over a decade, 24/7 uninterrupted. Home invasions with tampering therein, destruction of personal property (belonging both to T and his ‘amiga’) are a part of the psyops which also include sleep deprivation (via psychoelectronic assaults) as T has documented at
Also, 24/7 surveillance in home and car have not stopped for a single minute in the past decade and the terrorists continue to take control of the TV remote and the car’s computer system for the purpose of sending strategically timed notices to T. The goal of such assaults on and control over important parts of T’s life is apparent.
All law makers at every level, all police and judges and all lawyers, doctors, etc., have not made any effort to contact T regarding the crimes he records, even though overwhelming evidence is available to substantiate many of the claims presented on T’s websites
Other compelling evidence of crimes against T are also found at
and cover-ups of the crimes by officials are also documented on many pages of T’s site:
Recently ,T attempts to list the names of some doctors who are witness to some of the felonies committed against T. As T sends the report of witnesses’ names to the webmaster, the fbi hacks the email as T types same; then, as the webmaster tries to post the report, the fbi again repeatedly hacks the webmaster’s computer to cause misspellings, etc., in the text.
Google does nothing to stop the fbi’s seizures and deletions of some messages, and Google has ignored all of T’s requests for assistance:
Finally, T has no realistic expectation that the fbi will stop the assaults. The concern now is not so much with a life destroyed as with the threat that the fbi and the cia present to all human beings. Failure to address the atrocities that T documents means in essence that the intel groups of the United States have a green light to continue their criminal conduct at will, with impunity, and with the implied blessing of the nation.
T nevertheless is grateful for the discovery of his destiny (though T would have opted out if he had a choice in the matter), as T recognizes that he is become a mind warrior in a largely invisible intellectual and spiritual war truly worth living and dying for.
Thank you kindly.
Geral Sosbee
Harlingen, Texas
(956) 536-3103
The fbi/cia controlled DC Indymedia delete the above report with the notation: "Spam."
The world takes note of the atrocities that Sosbee and others document, even as the leaders of the USA ignore their responsibility to reign in the assassins.
Mind Warriors:
18 Oct 2010 @ 19:14
MEMO TO: Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
This message is directed to the Executive Officers and Board of Google Corporation and is made public for reasons implied herein.
Over the past decade you and your technicians are privy to my documentations of fbi/cia threats, harassment, stalking, torture, attempted murder (and /or attempted forced suicide) and other criminal offenses against me. In many instances Google may have evidence to support my allegations against the fbi and the cia and such material in the possession of Google should be turned over to the appropriate branch of government for investigation. Some of the offenses against me have been summarized at
Additional examples of such evidence are apparent at :
In other instances the fbi/cia have used the Google name and system to deliver to me threats of impending increased psychoelectronic assaults with confirmations after the fact of the delivery of such assaults. As of today I have fallen victim to several medical conditions and infirmities as a direct result of the fbi/cia high tech criminal assaults and all medical records are available to the appropriate authorities.
I ask Google to order the fbi and the cia to stop the exploitation of Google for the fbi/cia’s unlawful and inhumane purposes;see:
I also suggest that Google contact the FTC, the corrupt Congress and slovenly courts, and other appropriate authority of government in efforts to cause an investigation of the assassins of the fbi and the cia who continue (uninterrupted for a decade or more) their murderous agenda against me as I have extensively outlined at :
As of today Google fails to do what is right in this matter; accordingly, I will need to reassess my small investment in Google shares and to hereby notify the world (including the investment community) of Google’s possible role in ( by deafening silence, etc.) some of the offenses that I record. For more information on the need to expose all who assist the fbi and the cia in their global and inhumane crime spree, see
Finally, Google despite its original and best intentions ‘to do no evil’ appears at the very least on the verge of being embedded heart, mind and soul with the terrorists of the fbi and the cia. The vast resources of the Google Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates globally are now no doubt integrated into the fbi/cia global intelligence apparatus in such a way that Google Corporation itself can no longer stay above the fray which is an epic battle on behalf and for the preservation of Human & Civil Rights against gross & murderous ongoing government atrocities.
Thank you kindly.
geral sosbee
P.O. Box 3374
Harlingen, Texas
For more info on fbi's use of Google to send ominous or harassing messages see bottom of page at:
13 Oct 2010 @ 13:59
In an effort to educate the community of scientists regarding the methods that the fbi/cia use to torture, imprison, or force suicide/kill Targets I sent the following message on 10-12-10 (with subject, "fyi") to several professors around the USA:
Pls be advised that the fbi/cia use your studies to torture, force suicide or kill Targets.
Then I received the following response from [link] :
Nelson Phillips to me
show details 8:51 PM (11 hours ago)
Please stop sending me this garbage
Nelson Phillips, PH.D
Associate Professor
Dept of Biochemistry
Case western Reserve university
2109 Adelbert Rd
Wood Bldg W502
OH 44106
Tel: 216-368-4816
When the same professor received my auto response as follows:
"geral sosbee to nfp
show details 8:52 PM (11 hours ago)
I cannot presently respond to inquiries.
My law license is on inactive status."
he emphasizes his contempt by sending the following second message to me:
Nelson Phillips to me
show details 8:54 PM (11 hours ago)
I wonder why!!! Get your garbage out of my e.mail
Sosbee to all who fear the fbi, or who feign ignorance of fbi/cia terrorists, you are part of the problem.
<< Newer entries Page: 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 ... 35 Older entries >> |
March 18, 2017
Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :
For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of
Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:
Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:
...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:
The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:
Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:
The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.
*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]
"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969
"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as
NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..
-------------------Caution: Adult Content:
See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:
Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:
We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]
The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>
June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.
This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.
All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at www.sosbeevfbi.com is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.
All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):
Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active
[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]
*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge
Regarding ELF assaults see:
[link] -----------------------------
___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).
See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :
and See:
"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"
...and consider
"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.
How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):
SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:
The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at
and an update in the documents below.
Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:
Previous entries
Fbi assassins rising
USA under fascist & murderous rule
Fbi/police community are a threat to our people
Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports
Hallmarks of f b i
Fbi as human monster
Horror Story In USA
Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines
Sociopaths Among Us
A Prayer in Prose
Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
News from Geral
Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target
Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill
Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O
...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency
Evidence that USA is run by criminals
USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins
This is your country, your people, not mine
Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global
Homo homini lupus
Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed
Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me
Faculty & Students Awaken
Wrap Up From SOSBEE
USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster
An Eternal Fraud
Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia
My message to the US JUDICIARY
Our World & People Under Attack
Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their torture & kill programs
Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS
The Reach of www.sosbeevfbi.com
Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
Wicked men of the fbi
American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity
Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
Macabre USA, (a repost)
Casual reading of an urgent nature
Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )
Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE
To fbi Director James B Comey
fbi corrupts our nation
My L I F E !
The sick mindset of USA's population
I document more crimes against me by fbi
Fbi hacks my OPM account
A Dim View
Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me
Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7
Capitalism is Dead
Unversality of geral's documentaries
American Terrorists
Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals
More ..
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