New Civilization News - Category: Spirituality    
 Love is My Only Insurance3 comments
5 Oct 2005 @ 14:13, by vector8. Spirituality
Last night on a bus ride home, this woman got on. She was carrying this long and flat package, at least it looked that way to me. The bus driver asked her whether it was a mirror and she said yes. He told her to be careful. She and her friend sat a few seats in front of me. At one point the driver stopped the bus and asked the lady to swap seats. He said "The mirror could fall on someone's head and injure someone." The woman stood for the rest of the journey.  More >

 The Blood!5 comments
23 Sep 2005 @ 13:48, by swanny. Spirituality
This is my blood given for thee = wine = alchohol
Jesus Christ

The blood of the Earth/Gaia is for her = oil

Don't you see Christ foresaw this day when we
were burning the blood of Gaia when he indicated
we should be burning his blood instead.

Ethanol vs Oil....

Ethanol is manufactured from the grains of crops like corn.
and it pollutes less as well. It is in effect synethic oil or more
properly "alchohol".  More >

picture19 Sep 2005 @ 15:01, by mahendra. Spirituality

Pranayama, then, means energy control. This energy control is often effected with the aid of breathing exercises. Hence, breathing exercises have also come to be known as pranayamas.

Patanjali’s reference is to the energy control that is achieved as a result of various techniques, and not to the techniques themselves. His word signifies a state in which the energy in the body is harmonized to the point where its flow is reversed—no longer outward toward the senses, but inward toward the Divine Self that lies in the hearts of all beings. Only when all the energy in the body can be directed toward this Self can one’s awareness be intense enough to penetrate the veils of delusion and enter superconsciousness.

The very energy with which we think is the same energy that we use to digest our food. To test this claim, consider how difficult it is, after a heavy meal, to think about weighty problems, and how clear the mind becomes after a fast. To divert all the energy from the body to the brain cannot but intensify one’s awareness, and the keenness of one’s understanding. To direct this energy inwardly is the first step in divine contemplation.

Prana is the life force which is the underlying, activating power within all creation. 'The word prana translates as breath, life and energy .Yogananda gave us the example of a car battery: if there is no energy in the battery nothing will make the car move. You can fill it with gas and water, yet nothing will happen without the battery power. It is the same with us; no amount of nutritious food, water, etc, will power the body if prana is not present.

The breath acts as a strong stimulus to the flow of life force in the body. These pranayama (prana - life force; yama - control) exercises enable us to, through the medium of the breath, strengthen, control and harmonize the flow of prana in the body.

As we work with the breath/prana within us, we can profoundly change our consciousness.  More >

 Being Qua Being5 comments
picture18 Sep 2005 @ 05:01, by uncleremus. Spirituality
Is there a reality? Are there many realities? Who or what, if anything, creates reality? Is there anything that has to be true about a reality, which might happen to exist, or can it be an indeterminate flux?
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 Unlock Reality !! ...HELP !!
picture 17 Sep 2005 @ 21:06, by scotty. Spirituality
Everywhere I go these last few days I seem to keep tripping over comments about some mysterious manuscript called Unlock Reality !!

It has people fairly buzzing - but the funny thing is hardly anyone seems to have read it ! The ones who claim that they have read it say that they promised not to talk about it !

Has anyone here ever heard anything about it ?

I'm begining to think that it's maybe a publicity stunt for a new book about to come on the market - or a film !
Whaddya think guys 'n gals ??

..... here are some of the comments that I've been finding  More >

 Are you Seeing the World through a Polka Dot?0 comments
13 Sep 2005 @ 12:54, by vector8. Spirituality
A few days ago on a bus ride, I noticed a passenger with polka dots on his jacket. Then I saw several passengers with polka dot jackets. What's going on? Is polka dot back in fashion? I had another look and realised I had been watching passengers through a polka dot glass panel. It made for a fun bus journey.  More >

 Not always Easy
12 Sep 2005 @ 21:08, by scotty. Spirituality
trying to follow the path we've chosen.

When I first 'happened' upon NCN I thought I'd found a site full of Spiritual Titans and that all my many questions would be answered ! heh heh heh

One thing I learned from that was - to try not to have too many 'expectations' !! : )

Another thing I've learned is - I've always got MORE questions - that when answered - lead again to more questions !

Something else I learned is - I'm human ! Not a Titan.

I'm looking to find a way to live differently to the way that I've lived most of my life - to be greater than the sum total of all my parts ! (if you know what I mean)

I think the most important lesson I've learned in my time here is - I have a choice !
In everything !
Every moment of every day and every contact with every other being ... I can choose how it's going to be - for me !

The freedom to excersise these choices doesn't just happen automatically as I thought it did - it needs working on !

So ..
I'm going to try to become more aware of my choices.
I'm going to try to become more aware of being in the Now. I'm going to try to remember to ask myself what the possible concequences of my choice will be and will it bring me and other people happiness.
I'm going to try to remember to be guided by my heart. (it's all about 'feeling')
If the choice feels comfortable I'll know I'm on the right track - if the choice feel uncomfortable I'll stop for a moment and ask myself what it is that I really want.

I know though that I am the real author of my life !
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 Stay Hungry Stay Foolish16 comments
28 Aug 2005 @ 08:21, by vaxen. Spirituality
"You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Everything else is secondary."
-- Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, in Stanford Report, 2/3/05
August 28, 2005  More >

 What to believe ? Which Truth is True ?
picture 24 Aug 2005 @ 12:34, by scotty. Spirituality
Sometimes I have the impression that I'm being bombarded with new information new insights or discoveries that overwhelm my ability to comprehend!

New ideas which challenge my understanding and above all challenge my ability to be open-minded and flexible - they conflict with my built in sense of 'reason' !

But ! Is reason alone sufficient for us to adequately understand the world ??

The following links I've posted here are the ones that I'm looking at currently - I think it'll do me good to start looking at questions that quite frankly make me feel uncomfortable sometimes !
At first reading I felt that most of the things they say were 'crazy' to say the least - but then I know too that a lot of people sincerely believe the truth of them.
Sometimes Truths are found in the most uncomfortable of places ... so at least I'm going to venture there !

" A happy man is the one who possesses consciousness. But happier is the one that does not possess it ".

"It was Mark Twain who said he thought he knew it all as a teenager and thought his father was quite dumb and that by the time he had reached his twenties, he was surprised at how much his father had learned in such a short time. Who is more dangerous, the young (or old) fool who thinks he is wise or the wise man who thinks he may be a fool?" ... [link]

Chem trails etc [link]

The Reptilian Agenda [link]

The Cranks Net .. [link]

Goddess Mystery - The Shining Ones - Tolkein Science - etc etc [link]

 What if ?
picture 20 Aug 2005 @ 22:08, by scotty. Spirituality

What if... for some reason or other you were to find out you only had one day to live ?

I mean Really ! Think about it !
One day !

What would you do ?

What would you think ?

What would you feel ?

What would you want to teach your children before you died ?
What would you want to share with your family ?
What would you want to say to your dearest friend for the last time ?

Who would you want to spend your time with ?

What would you want to spend your time thinking about ?  More >

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