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1 Aug 2004 @ 09:13, by mystx. Spirituality
Ego - The False Center
by Osho
The first thing to be understood is what ego is. A child is born. A child is born without any knowledge, any consciousness of his own self. And when a child is born the first thing he becomes aware of is not himself; the first thing he becomes aware of is the other. It is natural, because the eyes open outwards, the hands touch others, the ears listen to others, the tongue tastes food and the nose smells the outside. All these senses open outwards.

That is what birth means. Birth means coming into this world, the world of the outside. So when a child is born, he is born into this world. He opens his eyes, sees others. 'Other' means the thou. He becomes aware of the mother first. Then, by and by, he becomes aware of his own body. That too is the other, that too belongs to the world. He is hungry and he feels the body; his need is satisfied, he forgets the body.

This is how a child grows. First he becomes aware of you, thou, other, and then by and by, in contrast to you, thou, he becomes aware of himself.
This awareness is a reflected awareness. He is not aware of who he is. He is simply aware of the mother and what she thinks about him. If she smiles, if she appreciates the child, if she says, "You are beautiful," if she hugs and kisses him, the child feels good about himself. Now an ego is born.
Through appreciation, love, care, he feels he is good, he feels he is valuable, he feels he has some significance.

A center is born.  More >

 Just for One Moment
picture 17 Jul 2004 @ 06:45, by scotty. Spirituality

There are many loud voices in the world. There are many harsh voices, voices of fear and anger. From the depths of inner silence one finds one's voice of hope, faith, love and clarity. It's not easy. It is possible.
In prayer, in mediation, in nature, one encounters the inner stillness. It may last only a moment. It may be engulfed by the noise of the world or the noise of one's mind. It still matters to have that moment, that still moment when suddenly everything is at peace, just for one breath, just for one moment.  More >

 As Goddess wills
picture 15 Jul 2004 @ 12:14, by scotty. Spirituality
I thought that to want the ‘best’ for someone was a nice good spiritual attitude to have !
Well - I’ve been thinking about that !
I’m just begining to wonder if ‘sending out love ‘n light ‘n peace’ or whatever to people is really a good thing ! hmm – I’m begining to doubt it quite seriously !  More >

 Intuition & The Zone5 comments
9 Jul 2004 @ 02:41, by ov. Spirituality
The subject of intuition has cropped up in the blogosphere and I just discovered that our individual survival over the next few years could very well depend on developing this skill. For us men, this might be easier to accept if we thought of our intuition as that sports term of "Being In the Zone", that ability to remain cool, calm and collected, or at least functional, when under exreme pressure. With the exponentially increasing rate of change which we are experiencing we will be encountering extreme pressure, and it will only get more intense in the months and years to come.  More >

 My Other Me !
picture 18 Jun 2004 @ 16:25, by scotty. Spirituality
Just what on earth does the word Truth actually mean ?
I think it’s something that we all crave more than anything - even if it hurts
But what does it mean – how does one find it ?

Maybe I’m an optimist kind of person – I think I’ve always believed that ‘something’ ( the truth ? ) would set me free ! And so I began a sort of hmm.. dunno what I’d call it – a quest ? A pilgrimage? Trying to find myself? Find The Ultimate Truth ?
Anyway - I found Buddhism – I started practising – I became even more aware of suffering than ever before – this was discouraging and yet I kept - I keep on going !

But what is it that makes me think that I should keep going? Have I got some kind of trust in something, some reason for going on.  More >

 Be who you Are !
picture 11 Jun 2004 @ 17:02, by scotty. Spirituality
Society trains us to avoid certain feelings.
Boys are taught that being a man means being tough (not wimpy), which translates as don't cry or show hurt.
Women are taught that showing anger means you're a bitch, so "be nice."
As a result, we feel fear or shame when feelings arise that we believe will be objectionable... a man feeling sensual for example !
We try to shape and mold an image that we hope will gain acceptance and love, rather than rejection or disdain
As we distance ourselves from our genuine feelings and wants, we betray what are actually the essential aspects of ourselves.
The result of all this is we become and remain more distant from others than ever before.
The refusal to show the tender and vulnerable parts of ourselves keeps us isolated, hidden, and alone.

By not embracing and exposing who we really are - our tenderness, our fears, our strengths, our limits - we end up becoming armored in our defenses.
We end up using anger to hide our fear and shame - or we withdraw into a world of silent judgments toward people, perhaps we even end up believing that we're superior.

Spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti made the profound observation that, "If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation."
Being ourselves really means being authentic. And authenticity demands that we connect with the ever-deeper layers of our felt-experience. The more we find the courage to become willing to uncover what's happening inthe depths of ourselves - the more we become less split inside.
We begin to heal the conflict between who we actually are and who we're trying to be.
As we let go of our self-image of who we think we should be, we discover -- finally -- the vibrant world of who we actually are.

 No Choices to Make !
picture 10 Jun 2004 @ 09:58, by scotty. Spirituality
It's occured to me that quite a lot of people see the spiritual path as a search for the light.
For me however I'm begining to really understand that 'spirituality' asks us to bring light and darkness
together in wholeness.

I'm beging to understand better what it means to live in a wolrd of duality - I'm learning that the effort to focus all
my attention on the light is only increasing the power of the darkness in me.
It's becoming more obvious to me that I'd be better off not trying to deny or reject anything - but to embrace it all-
'cos this means I no longer have to choose one experience over another - nor do I have to choose between love OR hate - blame OR forgiveness - sadness OR joy - anger OR openheartedness.

I don't have to stay stuck in my little 'feeling boxes' - and this means that I can have access to the full range of human experiences that it's possible to have in this life !

I can let go of the past and stop being held back by it !
I can stop putting up walls of defence and simply be myself!
I can maybe even learn to love you, for simply being yourself !

 An Insight on Depression - Disengagement vs Nonattachment12 comments
7 Jun 2004 @ 12:28, by craiglang. Spirituality
In past newslog entries, I have noted that several people have written about depression. There are alot of discussions as to just exactly what depression is. Is it a biochemical imbalance - a deficiency of serotonin? Or is it perhaps a spiritual affliction? Or could it be one of a myriad of other paradigms? Which of these views is valid? In any case, this weekend, I had a few insights and experiences which came out of my own visit from the depression demons. I hope that these insights can be of benefit to others who are also visited by the curse of depression.  More >

 Jump for JOy !
picture 3 Jun 2004 @ 09:10, by scotty. Spirituality
(the pic is called Jump for Joy by Lisa Keaney)

Funny - but this poem made me think of how we react to things in our lives ! Things that do not really have anything to do with us - and yet - we grasp them - we claim them as ours - we cling to them as though our life depended on them - we just can't let go .. can't let go of the insults the hurt the memories .. the pain !

We hold it to our hearts and play it over and over and over again - like a record stuck in the groove ...
he said - - -
she said - - -
over and over .. again and again !
What is it that prevents us from moving on - forwards - letting go of the pain and simply living in the now !
What is this illusion that we fabricate for ourselves - this illusion that keeps us prisoner in our comfort zone !

If sometimes we could only call to mind the simple fact that none of these illusions will be important ten years from now - because - Now is all we have !
Why waste it!
Live Now - Live Passionately !  More >

 The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!0 comments
2 Jun 2004 @ 13:40, by adi. Spirituality
The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!

So here is the scoop. They said "The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!." We have come to the place we have all been waiting for. We are about to embark on the shift of the ages. What is happening is ALL the upper and lower dimensions are going to make a big leap in consciousness together with us right in the middle of it all. The Maya believe that there are 9 underworlds, and 13 heavens above us, but the Star Elders say there are many more dimensions than this. What is happening is doorways are beginning to crack open on all levels and dimensions. The BIG MANEUVER is that they all these different dimensions have to open and shift at the same time, this way lower dimensions will not contaminate the higher ones.

* * * * * *

So what is causing all this shifting? The Star Elders say it is the current Venus Passover we have just entered. A Venus Passover is when Venus retrogrades and passes in front of the Sun. Venus retrogrades every 260 days but it only passes over the sun every 122 years. The exact Passover is on June 8th, beginning 5 am GMT, UK time zone (Pacific Standard time it is from 9 PM on 6/7/04 to 4 am 6/8/04). It will take about 7 hours for Venus to pass in front of the Sun. The last time this happened was in 1882. No one alive today has felt this energy before.

The ancient Mayas call the Venus-Sun Passover the return of Quetzacoatal but is also symbol of death and a rebirth of a higher consciousness. The Venus Passover repeats again on June 6th 2012, the very near of the end of the Mayan Long count calendar (ending on 12/21/2012) and the ending of a huge 26000-year cycle. In Christianity the Venus-Sun Passover symbolizes the return of the Christ Consciousness. Christ and Quetzacoatal are both messengers of love and wisdom, light and knowledge.

Venus is like a Holy Grail in the stars holding the power of the feminine, the power of love, and the power of abundance. Our Sun is power house of lighted divine wisdom. When the two planets cross paths it will give us the ability to take all relationships, intimate and otherwise to the next higher level.

[link]  More >

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