New Civilization News - Category: Spirituality    
 Ever seen anything more Heart Warming?.... : )
15 Apr 2007 @ 21:46, by a-d. Spirituality  More >

 Moon Landing 0 comments
11 Apr 2007 @ 13:39, by vector8. Spirituality
Last night's Horizon documentary was called "Moon for Sale." Experts believe that the moon has tons of energy that man can exploit. Those who can afford it are already staking their claim on the moon. So it's only a matter of time before there will be shuttles to take people to live on the moon. I wonder whether the new inhabitants will consider themselves Mooners. Will they be practising the ancient art of mooning?

Experts have been telling us that we are depleting the earth's natural resources. As a result of this the earth is experiencing global warming. Animals are getting extinct. Even though we are frantically recycling, the energy can only go so far. It's only a matter of time before we run out of energy and have to look elsewhere like the moon.  More >

 24th Anniversary3 comments
11 Apr 2007 @ 12:56, by swanny. Spirituality
April 11, 2007

24th Anniversary

Well its about the 24th Anniversary of my glory experience.
Who could have imagined where we would be at now. I mean all the details would have been hard to conceive. Not great mind you but not to bad. We survived the "cold war" I suppose so thats perhaps a bonus or did we survive ? Well somewhat what. A little worse for wear. And we have the internet. Who'd a thought? Sort of came out of the blue it did. A bit of "blue sky" thinking then.

Well anyway happy anniversary glory.



11-04-04, 07:43 am (PDT)
TOUCHED BY GLORY(A true story)

The year was 1983, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I was living in a small house on the outskirts of the city. Strangely enough it was the house our family had lived in, in my first 2 or 3 years of life. It had been relocated from its original place and brought to this place besides the Black Mud Creek.
After a rather uneventful life, I had just gone through a divorce and was working for the government of Altberta. My divorce had so distrubed me that I had sought out professional help, also from the government. I was sort of diagnosed as having had some sort of trauma during the first two years of my life. Eventually it was revealed and remembered by my mother that I had had a convulsion at the age of 2 and had stopped breathing. My father was called and assessed the situation with the aide of a medical book and revived me a short time later by turning me upside down and spanking me. The hospital was called and I was placed under observation. Unfortunately my parent were recent immigrants to Canada and as a result I at that time only spoke German. Memories reveal that at that time I had cried for water and to go home repeatedly but no one could understand or aid me. I cried incessantly until sometime later an old cleaning lady came to my aide explaining to the charge nurse that I needed some water. I suspect the damage was done and had taken its toll. A toll that would effect me throughout my life.
At any rate, after the divorce and my breakdown, I was residing by myself in this small home. One night a friend came over and we listened to music and perhaps got high. Prior to this evening I had been experiencing flashes of red light. They would appear at odd times but usually accompanied with intense emotions and music. I felt somewhat possessed and obsessed with and by them. I had no idea what they meant. I was also experiencing time loss and electrical sensations from
household appliances. It was to say in the least, a highly disturbing time. I would sometimes have visions of myself floating in space above the Earth and looking down upon it.
I because of all this tried to get some time off work but I had exhausted all my leave time and they said, my government employer, that I would need a doctors note to gain further leave. I was under a professionals care at the time at my own expense and asked if he could provide me with that. He seemed to indicate that my situation was adverse but would not provide me with the necessary documentation so in a kind of desperation I felt I had no options left and found it necessary to quit my job and hope for the best. Little did I know what the future held in store.
I think this period was sometime after the death of John Lennon the Beatle yet one night perhaps it was the radio, I had a connection there some how. Anyway much was occurring it seemed on many and every level. Our city hockey team The Edmonton Oilers were battling for the Grey Cup. Hockey fever was in full swing and so it seemed was the cold war. It was a rather stressing and distressing time all around. I guess it was the logical progression of a breakdown and perhaps the final receiving of an uncontested divorce papers, I don't clearly remember but it signaled the end or something. I was finding it too then most difficult to separate thoughts,fantasies and realities from one an other.
My friend had come over that night for what reason I'm not sure. I think he may have been concerned for my welfare. At any rate we were perhaps high or something and then it happened. I was seated in my chair looking south across the living room. I glanced at my friend to the east of me and he seated as well seemed zonked out and preoccupied with staring at the floor. And then it happened the room sort of seemed to dissolve and I appeared to be there but it was like I was in a kind of hazy red fluid.
Everything was melted and I was simply an other melted part of it. It was heaven, timeless spaceless heaven...... the sea of Love..... I was thinking to myself I want to stay here forever or I've been here before. I had been having some thoughts about the womb around that time period ..... Feeling perhaps the Love abundant there....
My songs of the time reflecting this....." Wheres my Love"... a line from one and....
"Cinderelli where are you"..... " and it could be poetry in time if the lovers kept singing"......... and "Sunlo begone"..... a fantasy of a dragon that I was trying to slay or chase away from the children of the world who seemed in danger. Well we were all in danger it was the cold war afterall.
Here I floated in this sea of Love or heaven and then something or someone appeared there and ahead to the southeast of my chair..... I was a presence a personage of some sort that I recalled it seemed from somewhere before because I said "YOU" silently to myself..... and "knew" this but didn't know or understand it. This glowing red light hovered for a while there about 4 feet away and then came over to me and passed its hand or something through me where my heart was and where incidentally I had spilled a pot of boiling water on me at the age of
Somehow there appeared to be some kind of exchange of information or something and just as suddenly it seemed it and the sea disappeared and I was left
sitting there with the worst splitting headache. I looked east to my friend and he was still zonked staring at the floor. I abruptly said I had to go to bed and left because it was all to much somehow.
As much as I have thought about it over the years I have been unable to make sense of it . What or who was this red light that hovered at heart level above the ground. How or what had it done to me by touching me. The touch was like a certainty of something..... death perhaps. I felt that that touch should have killed me but I lived if you can call it that somehow. I struggled endlessly to identify and sort out that night until I just had to let go of it because it haunted and possessed me so over the years. I dared not tell anyone perhaps only one or two because it was too real or at least so real that I felt I could not deny it. Yet I had to come to deny it myself because it was or seemed so creditless somehow. Certainly it would have been considered crazy talk or such. So over the years the memory has diminished and the quest left unanswered. Yet just recently I read a passage about "GLORY" and a kind of certainty came over me. A ringing true of what it was.
I then on that night of spring of 1983 had witnessed and been touched by Glory.

Nov 4 2004
Canada  More >

 What If God Is Us?
picture4 Apr 2007 @ 19:44, by hgoodgame. Spirituality
The world is a wonderment of complex simplicity.

Every child comes into this world in a native state – mind pure/slate clean.

She also arrives at just that point of coincidence attracted by his past awareness.

As the child develops, demands are placed on her. The native state is corrupted in this process. Seeing the world thru clear eyes of wonderment is replaced by the false lenses of other’s perceptions and illusions.  More >

 A body - free of religious mania - ?4 comments
picture4 Apr 2007 @ 19:03, by Unknown. Spirituality
I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission... Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some distant star in some distant galaxy, it appears that is one dream that will have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma...

I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all.

Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex

Found at Karin Spainks site: The Fishman Affidavit

In view of the fact that so many people here (including the founder of NCN) are Scientologists, or, at least, ex-scientologists, or neo-scientologists (members who at one point or another left the Church, but are carrying on with some of the work of "the Commodore"), this is probably a good place to ask. is this what you actually studied - I mean beside becoming "clear" and all the early Dianetic stuff? (Since this is supposedly OT VIII material, it would only apply to those of you who made it all the way to that level, I suppose.)

I wonder.

This is not intended as a criticism of Scientology or anything, or of anyone's faith or religious persuasion (or lack thereof), and I understand that "there is no Spiritual or Religious basis to NCN." Etc. Besides, if you are a Scientologist, "what is true for you is true for you", right? And "reality is a function of agreement" - or something like that? And to each his or her own and no disrespect intended.

The Church of Scientology officially denies the authenticity of the above material , and says it's a forgery to smear the Church.
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 What We Have Forgotten
picture3 Apr 2007 @ 18:25, by hgoodgame. Spirituality
Even though Mr. Rogers did his best to remind us of this one essential awareness:

“Everything grows together, because we’re all one piece..”

This profound truth seems to still escape us to this day.

What we have now are parts thinking they have separate beingness. Ahd yet, just as the whole body depends on all its parts functioning in a healthy manner, each in their own highest capacity to remain healthy, so can the part understand there is a greater living organism they are supported by and part of. What would happen if for instance, the liver tried to do the work of the kidneys, the brain wanting to take over heart's work. It can’t work that way, each has it’s place and each place is valuable both to itself and to the whole.  More >

 Stay! Good Dog! 4 comments
3 Apr 2007 @ 15:20, by vector8. Spirituality
One question I've often wondered about.

Why is it that I can go for hours and hold my pee in, but the moment I get to the toilet to have a pee, I'm so desperate I nearly wet myself? Surely, as I've been holding you in for hours, you can wait for a few more seconds until I get my pants down?

These days I treat peeing the way one trains a dog. When I get to the toilet and I feel the pee dying to come out I relax and I think or say out loud: "Stay! Stay! Stay!" until I'm ready, then let it out. After that I say "Good dog!"


Yay! Now I can take my dog to Crufts.


Related articles: Fetch! Sit! Good Dog!; My Function and Body are One  More >

picture 11 Aug 2006 @ 20:21, by hgoodgame. Spirituality
I found this information helpful and hopeful..

(Article reprinted with permission from the author.)

There is something that the Tibetan Buddhists call, "the nature of the mind". The term, when translated into English, is not really very adequate. In order to understand what it means, we need to make distinctions. There is a term for mind that means "thought activity". It is a mind that we spontaneously create whenever we think thoughts or have thoughts. This mind really appears and disappears with every thought we think. It is not a continuous phenomena. It only feels continuous because we are rarely aware of what is going on within us moment to moment. If we were, we would notice small gaps of "no mind" appearing very often. In every 12 second period, there are two second gaps which are easy to discern if you look for them. Within every second, there are microsecond gaps between every thought that we think. What I have noticed is that people are too busy, thinking, thinking, thinking to notice these gaps, too wrapped up in what they are thinking to ever stop themselves from generating and speeding up thoughts, laying them one after another, to notice the gaps between each and every thought. This thinking mind can come completely to an end and when it does we are in satori. We taste the nature of mind and experience enlightenment. We obviously cannot be our thinking mind, because it is not there. It does not exist at all when we are in satori. Then there is another term that means "thought function". This is the capacity to think. If thought is the letters on a page, then the thinking function is like a typewriter that can make those letters appear. When we have satori, our intellectual capacity to think is there, but thinking is not there. It is like a washing machine that has turned off and which can turn on again. Thought activity is like the washing cycle. The nature of the mind is different than both our thought activity and our thought capacity. It is the pure awareness that is behind our thought capacity and our thinking activity. Without this awareness mind, we would literally not be aware of anything at all. From the vantage point of this mind, it is the field of awareness and everything else is content. From the vantage point of this mind, the body is a mental construct formed by synthesizing all our sensations into a unified experience. You could say that the body arises in awareness, rather than us having a self that is inside the body, although the awareness mind is anchored in the heart.  More >

 The Time Machine 0 comments
11 Aug 2006 @ 12:21, by vector8. Spirituality
Imagine you're watching a film that is supposed to be a thriller and one character is always grinning. In a scene where he's supposed to be angry he says "I hate you!" but he still has the same grin. In another scene the same character is expressing how sad he is but he's still smiling. You're bound to think there's something not quite right about this character. Maybe, the actor can't act or the director hasn't got a clue. What if the character continues to have the same fixed grin no matter what? Will you continue watching the film? I certainly wouldn't.  More >

 Choosing Divinity / Kingdom of Heaven
5 Aug 2006 @ 01:17, by divinityr. Spirituality
The reason I chose Divinity Rose: Because Divinity rose within me. I had spent my entire life becoming and preparing for my mission here on this planet. ( More on this later. ) Last spring, I realized the time was upon us all to slow down on becoming and BE. Our moment is here to shine as we are and rise together. The time is here to do what we came here to do.  More >

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