New Civilization News - Category: Communities    
 Anyone Else Observe an Overall Grumpiness?28 comments
25 Feb 2003 @ 21:42, by craiglang. Communities
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone else has percieved this. I've noted a larger than typical level of grouchiness out there. I've seen this at work, on the road, in peoples' posts on various e-forums, etc... Others have commented about this, too - so I don't think it's purely my own perception.

I wonder - is there any one specific cause? Is it the world situation? Are people perhaps just getting tired of the N. Hemisphere winter? Or is it something else?

Comments anyone?
-Craig  More >

 Quality of Life & Survival
1 Feb 2003 @ 11:32, by sharie. Communities
The insights I have into what the quality of life was like 100 years ago, 200 years ago, 300 years ago or 1000 years ago is from literature written at the time, or from movies created from the literature of the time. From all accounts, life for the poor was horrid (except perhaps in cultures of the Indians, polynesians, hawaiians and so on). We have more middle class now, but also more poor (as population growths have expanded both groups). More people means fewer natural resources and ultimately this will cause a breakdown in the consumer culture, and require the creation of a new culture for those who would wish to survive. Disease, starvation, war... this will eliminate the population. Those with foresight can see the need for the creation of a new civilization, new social values, new beliefs, new social goals... if we are to survive.

 The Inner Circle: Who's in and Who's Out?30 comments
picture22 Jan 2003 @ 10:24, by craiglang. Communities
I got some fascinating and thought-provoking reactions to my posting of the link to the "Whitley's Journal" article. In his article, Whitley Strieber takes a very unconventional view (at least from the perspective of the antiwar movement). Thank you to all who wrote. Your views, whatever they may be, are important for an expanded view of the issues.

One of the comments posted in response to the W.S. article was that he has "Blue Blood". The comment seems to suggest that W.S. might be somehow part of the inner circle - or at least supportive of it. This is interesting for many reasons.

The primary reason that the biggest focus of W.S.'s work is in the UFO-encounter area, and the interaction between the ET presence and our civilization. On his radio show "Dreamland", one of the things he discusses frequently is the impact of the coverup (UFO and otherwise) on the lives of close encounter experiencers - and on everyone else, too. Many of the biggest issues there are about the inability of the government, news media, and industry to accept a more far-sighted out-of-the-box view.

Another thing I have noticed as I have written (mostly) about the anomaly and close encounter topic, is that responses (not just to me, but to many, in many different fields) tend to be very polarized (yes I know, that polarity thing again). In many arguments within the UFO field and elsewhere, I often hear the implication - or even the overt statement - that the other side must somehow be part of the coverup, in league with the shadow government, etc. Yet this is the first time that I have ever heard this mentioned in relation to Whitley Streiber.

So I ask: Just who is the inner circle? What is the shadow government and what comprises the coverup? Who is part of it, and who is not? Is there just one group? Or are there many different ones? Is "them" different for different people? And if so, why?

To me, this is a fascinating thing to consider. And I suspect that as we find the answer, it will suprise us. Because in the end, I believe that we will find that "They" are "Us" - we are all one.

-Craig  More >

 Let your Light shine!
picture9 Jan 2003 @ 03:22, by ashanti. Communities
I have a friend named Doris (not her real name) Tshabalala. She’s in her mid-fifties, and she is an Inspiration to women everywhere. (One of the many, many magnificent African women who grace our world). Her story is incredible. She started out as an illiterate person, working as a domestic servant for a white family. She had three children to support, and a life of drudgery – on her hands and knees, cleaning up others people’s floors and messes, and looking after a strange family’s children.  More >

 The Digital Divide - 6 December 2002
picture5 Dec 2002 @ 22:28, by ashanti. Communities
A subject that is of relevance to us here, is the Digital Divide. This is a topic of many conference papers. According to an article in the Business Day, the Internet remains largely virgin territory in Africa. It highlights that: "As few Africans can afford PCs, the market for consumer services is limited. Erratic power supplies also take their toll, providing a barrier to PC usage. Nor are internet cafes particularly lucrative, as hourly rates must be affordable but must also cover the cost of computers, bandwidth, telephone calls, rent for the premises and wages."  More >

 A Virtual Community Experience5 comments
picture2 Oct 2002 @ 19:19, by ming. Communities
By now I have had many experiences of how people come together in useful ways online, and I probably have more experiences of how people didn't succeed in coming together in a useful way. Anyway, it is probably a good thing to learn from some of that, so let me start with one of the stories. This is a story of both failure and success. I'll change the names for now, but if anybody wants to look more closely at it, you can quickly figure them out.

A few years ago an NCN member (let's call him Uriah Rex) had a vision of a company that would be a creative hub. It would facilitate the creative expression of many people. Film, books, art, and whatever new outlets the participants could think up. He wanted to bring together some people to manifest the vision. And the vision was strong and big and compelling.  More >

 Who's Real7 comments
picture21 Sep 2002 @ 22:12, by ming. Communities
A concern for any virtual community space is how we can verify whether people are who they say they are, or whether we even care if anybody is who they say they are.

If people can just go and create a profile by filling in a name and an e-mail, we're not really going to be sure who they are at first, beyond what they say. They might create several accounts and pretend to be different people.

We can of course make more stringent criteria for opening new accounts. For example, that one has to be referred by some already known person, and that one has to fill in a considerable amount of information about oneself, and somebody has to examine that and approve the application.

But it still comes down to something more fundamental. Community doesn't happen just because some people fill in profiles, even if they do it correctly and truthfully. Community is something that happens between specific people, not something that can be automated in a database.  More >

 On the Wings of Hummingbirds10 comments
picture15 Sep 2002 @ 11:05, by quidnovi. Communities

Let me be a flower, dear God, in your kindness,
a flower that opens, not a needle that pierces!
---Rabindranath Tagore, "Kanika"

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 The challenge of rebuilding local subsistence economies11 comments
29 Jul 2002 @ 21:07, by alchemist. Communities
In recent times, local economies have fallen victim to globalisation, but this process is not inevitable or non-reversible. Rather than being colonies of the global economy, our villages, towns, and cities have the potential to be largely self-sufficient in essentials. In Western countries, it is only a relatively short space of time since this level of self-reliance existed nearly everywhere.  More >

 NonViolence Web Issues: Conscience and the State5 comments
picture21 May 2002 @ 20:27, by cho. Communities
deleted  More >

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