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 Anarchy vs. Psychopaths in Control
1 Oct 2015 @ 17:58, by amaterasu. Liberty, Sovereignty
Many a reader will equate anarchy with “lawlessness” and “chaos,” while Others know quite well that the true meaning of “anarchy” is simply “anti-archon,” “anti-rulers.” In fact, with the three Laws of Ethics, also called Common Law, only…anarchy equates to complete freedom within Ethics. (And in fact, the word “chaos” does not mean “pandemonium,” which is what most seem to think it does. Chaos has an infolded or underlying structure that emerges with time. With sound seed parameters, Human chaos can emerge quite beautifully and functionally.)

And no matter how You cut it, having Some dictate what Others may and may not do outside the three Laws (rulers, “leaders,” “elected officials,” etc.) is the antithesis of freedom. “Benevolent” – leading to “subjects” who might even think They are free, and mostly happy – to tyrannical, Any who claim any “authority” to dictate to Others are removing freedom. Inherent in this is the power over Others, of course. And power over Others draws psychopaths far more than it does the Ones here that are heart-driven.

Psychopaths get quite good at moving Us with Our emotions and it is with Our minds, Our discernment, that We can overcome the pickle that We, Humanity on this planet, are in. If this silly barrage of psyops lately hasn’t yet clued You in that there is a less than freedom-healthy motive behind them, I have great compassion for You and await the moment when You are clued.

This is what We get when We consent to rulers. The better choice is no rulers and taking personal responsibility for Each Our own choice of behavior, with the Laws of Ethics, and the Betterment Ethic in place of the work “ethic,” which is, when You think about it, a slave’s creed, not an Ethic at all.

Removing the top down in favor of a web-driven bottom up, and using the natural chaos in the societies We see functioning all around Us, from insects to critters both bigger and smaller, would serve Humanity well. There is a chaos of autonomous Individuals in all societies with informational seed parameters for response. Meet too many scouts, go help at home (the creation and/or care of young). One root problem to allowing this informational chaos, this stigmergy, to flow within Humanity is the yoke of money. This is used to skew the natural flow of information through bribery, blackmail setups, and threats. It gives power over Others to the Ones most passionate about having power over Others (which are the psychopaths in society).

Clearly, if We would support the principles We are told the top-down controlmind in America stands for, We would support such an anarchy. It would go much further to Our benefit, far closer to Our goals, than the psychopath-driven results We see. For example, GMO would never have willfully escaped confinement had We not had money/power driven psychopaths in control. Sure, some Individual psychopaths might create isolated problems, but the ability to “make that choice for Us” allowed it to be “acceptable,” even, without in depth, honest studies and reporting.

Truly, if You look around, I am sure You will see at least one thing that would not be if psychopaths were not in control. Many of You will see far more than one.

We have choices to make. Do You REALLY want freedom? We can co-create it. Without psychopaths in control, Our Individual genius will shine, freed as We will be from the slavery We presently endure.

“Are We American for the principles or in support of pieces of paper?” This is a good question. Again, do You REALLY want freedom, justice, and the ability to pursue happiness? Then an Ethical anarchy wins hands down over any top-down controlmind system.

Withdraw consent from systems that promote psychopaths to power.

How to Withdraw Consent

“Let’s do the restart in ideas, not blood.”

 Om Ah Hum Mantra 340 comments
picture23 Sep 2015 @ 17:34, by jerryvest. Natural Health & Healing
Chanting “Om Ah Hum” by Gerald Vest, ACSW/LISW/LMT, Southern NM Alliance with Injured Warriors and Families

The sound of the Mantra (Om Ah Hum) can still the mind and senses, relax the body and connect us with a healing energy. (p. 96, Tarthang Tulku)

I love this exercise introduced by Tarthang Tulku in Tibetan Meditation and have been expressing and experiencing this Mantra for well over 40 years. However, with Tarthang’s directions, these energies of Knowledge will flow into our Being--Mind-Body-Spirit, from what we consider our external Nature—Outside of Self.

This energy experience is not subtle for me as my mind becomes electric and stimulating while my whole Being is vibrating and eager to express itself. Am listening to these messages--Called into my Mind with OM; Accepting Knowledge with the Sound of AH in my Throat; and, Passing this Knowledge and Out-Breath to Humanity One with HUM in my Heart. “Om Ah Hum.”

I practice this exercise several times throughout the day internally and during formal sittings or outside joining Nature, and Opening Mind to all the Energy manifested in Nature.

Gerald W. Vest, ACSW/LISW/LMT

Injured Warrior, TRICARE Provider--Individual, Couple, Family & Group
Holistic & Integrative Health Practitioner & Professor Emeritus NMSU
Las Cruces, NM 88005

[link]  More >

25 Sep 2010 @ 06:18, by erlefrayne. Science
For this day I chose to peregrinate on the 3-Gorges Dam of China, a project that cost a whopping $23 Billion to build. The eco-fascist detractors of the project raised the specter of catastrophe that could result from a collapse of the dam infrastructure, so maybe its time to reflect about the giant energy project.  More >

 WORLD KNOWLEDGE - WELTWISSEN (1710 - 1810 - 1910 - 2010)
picture picture 23 Sep 2010 @ 21:37, by feecor. Science
Just returning from the "Show" / Schau „Weltwissen“
„Weltwissen“ in the Martin Gropius-Bau.
Unfortunatley it only a historic exhibition which puts Berlin as the center of the scientific world. Well done ! high quality, ... but what a hybris.... and sooo one-eyed.

Tired now ! but I think it is time to present more under such an heading !

I feel it is time to review the 100 - 200 - 300 years celebrations in Berlin. Maybe there is more than just looking back, and maintaining one viewpopint...

Die WUNDERKAMMER and thinking in boxes is a deep concern of mine - as some of my readers know. Questions? Maybe see: NEW RENNAISANCE below - or start with this publication: [link] (PDF) and this forthcomming publciation on COMPASSION and IGNORANCE: [link] (PDF)

PLEASE COME BACK ! as times are busy these days...

 fbi hacks my NEWCIV Site. 0 comments
picture23 Sep 2010 @ 18:13, by gsosbee. Ideas, Creativity
My material at NEWCIV is now visible to the public. Thanks to NEWCIV for allowing me to post. The fbi has proven that by hacking my NEWCIV data, this government is out of control.

Here is a post, for example, that worries the assassins:

*Must prosecute fbi/cia Assassins For Clandestine Murders.


*[Because otherwise,wholesale extermination of dissidents becomes public policy.]

The central question of our time is to determine how many people globally have been murdered by fbi/cia operatives in covert, illegal, counterintelligence programs, etc., by methods (among others) described in the links below.As the crime of murder has no time limits for court prosecutions, we must prosecute the criminals in the fbi/cia who are responsible for the crimes suggested herein.

[La question centrale de notre époque est de déterminer combien de personnes dans le monde ont été assassinés par le FBI / CIA operatives dans clandestines, illégales programmes de contre-espionnage, etc, par des méthodes (entre autres) décrit dans les liens ci-dessous.Comme le crime de assassiner ne pas a des délais pour les poursuites judiciaires, nous devons poursuivre les criminels au sein du FBI / CIA qui sont responsables des crimes suggérés.]

(obscure methods to torture & kill):


an hysterical fbi operative engaged in criminal stalking):


Kidney stone assault:


My personal reports:


Summary of intel community global crimes:


My suggestion on what we must do to survive:


Infection placed in tooth #14:


Death messages:


Horrendus program designed to force suicide:




Painful directed energy assaults 24/7 for the life of the Target:


Tracking device that itself causes life threatening risks:


Cointel program:


My Note:

The president 'presides' over fbi/cia sponsored chaos, murder and global
terror. The world's population must focus on the real problem: the fbi/cia cointelpro which in one form or another threatens all peoples:

For the layman, 'cointelpro' may be loosely defined as information and technology systematically used by government agents and operatives (particularly fbi/cia) who, while asserting powerful influence over all branches of government at all levels (including the judiciary), engage in torture, imprisonment or murder of an expanding number of Targets.

A form of genocide is apparently in the making whereby a massive program (sometimes referred to as 'cointelpro') is now underway to remove/kill/control large numbers of people. Only a few Targets have credibility because an integral part of the deadly operation is to discredit people who try to report the crimes associated with such operations.

Efforts by the fbi operatives to unlawfully assault and try to arrest me:


Medical authorities including doctors help the fbi assassins:


False medical report by apparent fbi operative /medical doctor:


My sworn affidavit:


Finally prisoners are largely innocent on a relative basis:


New Hacking by fbi at different forum:

The fbi hacks my post at:


Then, I try to correct the typos, but again I notice the following fbi dirty work on line; note that fbi operative Upton is probably the fbi operative who hacks the report;the first entry is the typo, followed by my correction:

link deleted by fbi:

I tried...
fbi deletes this link:

August 31, 2013
From Harlingen, Texas

The same fbi criminal cyberstalker, torturer and assassin who calls himself j. robert upton, aka paint me doubtful, etc., is now very busy trying to frighten the public against Geral Sosbee:

The fbi in efforts to cover up their own crimes as documented by ex fbi agent Geral Sosbee (US Army combat veteran) publicly portrays him as a potential mass murderer:

fbi operative assassin ‘Paint Me Doubtful’ publicly announces that he (Geral Sosbee)

"…is planning an act of terrorism, or maybe he is getting ready to shoot up a school or theater. I think it is time to find out what the fbi knows about geral, and why he is such a danger to the public. He is obviously mentally incompetent, so maybe, just maybe another mass murder will be prevented by this surveillance."


My report of fbi's inhumane efforts to silence me (alt links):


August 27,2015
Fbi resumes hacking my NewCiv site and hides two of my reports.  More >

 Who Wins?331 comments
picture22 Sep 2010 @ 02:15, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Picked this guy up from the middle of a strip of Two Lane asphalt.
I was out on a little drive around through the Mojave Desert Preserve.
Looking for Tomorrow.  More >

 Our StressOut Program for Suicide Prevention with Mindfulness660 comments
picture21 Sep 2010 @ 23:48, by jerryvest. Ideas, Creativity
Our international health promotion team is a modest effort, but hopefully an expanding opportunity, to awaken individuals, couples, families, groups, organizations and communities to an awareness that touch or physical interaction with mindfulness, respect and love are basic human need requirements for safety, survival, resiliency, and for the wellbeing of humanity and all that exists. Our 15-Minute StressOut Program is a great model of Quality Care and Best Practice Research for bringing about change and improvement for the quality of lives, health and relationship throughout our society and beyond.

This past week I was invited to present our safe,skillful and nourishing touch program for soldiers, families and health care professionals at White Sands Missile Range as part of their Suicide Prevention Awareness Program. As we know, physical interaction or touch is one of our basic human need requirements for learning, relating and for experiencing health and wellbeing. Our soldiers were very brave to partner up and give each other one of our "StressOuts" as described in our 15 minute stressout website-- [link]

I also introduced some mindful exercises, breathing, and meditations to support their daily health. There is a lot of evidence that these long and multiple tours produce an injury in the body, mind, emotions, spirit and social relations that is commonly referred to as PTSD. Unfortunately, most mental/behavioral health systems don't include integrative health practices, especially massage & meditation. These methods reduce the agitation, anger, isolation, fear and lonliness, while promoting circulation, healing, and interaction with all of the organs, nervous, muscular-skeleton, skin-protective, digestive and cardia-vascular systems. The brain and other systems are also energized and support the healing processes.

Everyone in this massage forum knows the benefits of massage and integrative health practices, but our conventional mental health and academic therapeutic programs are still mostly skeptical and fearful of touch. I introduce many research programs and guidelines for the safe and skillful use of touch on our forum as well. I recommend that all of our team members and students, visit Dr. Zur's website for the most thorough understanding of the myth of the use of touch by all professionals, health and human service programs.

Anyway, it is good that our program is being used in many military programs and we will continue to advance our safe, skillful, ethical and nourishing touch program in all human and social service programs.

Note: Picture is clinic staff and soldiers in medical clinic learning to give and receive our Stressout Program during Suicide Prevention Week.  More >

 Quote for today...
20 Sep 2010 @ 21:24, by susannahbe. Ideas, Creativity
You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!

— Rumi


 From "Max Sandor's Tales to his grandson"439 comments
picture16 Sep 2010 @ 19:00, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
Chapter 55
Learning how to subtract

Max: "Anthony, look at that tree!"
(Anthony looks)
Max: "Thank you! How many monkeys do you see in that tree?"
Anthony: "Three."
Max: "That's right. Now, if one of the monkeys would fall from the tree, how many monkeys would there be left?"
Anthony: "Monkeys don't fall from trees. Leaves, dead branches, Abacates (1), Açai. Goioba, Maracuja, and Carambola, all these can fall from trees. But monkeys don't. But Cajá-manga and Guabiroba and Jatobá and..."
Max: "Ok, Ok, thank you! Let's just say one of the monkeys would come down to get a banana or something. How many monkeys would there be left in the tree?"
Anthony: "They ate the last of our bananas yesterday, don't you remember, you said /(%"£..."
Max: "Ok, ok, ok, you're right again. So let's assume one of the tree monkeys would come down from the tree to play with you, How many monkeys would there be left in the tree?"
Anthony: "No monkey would come down there. Our Rottweilers are sitting in front of that tree."
Max: "Very well so, Let's say I would call now the Rotties to come over here to play with us and then...
Anthony: "...they wouldn't come if you would call them. They listen only to me."
Max: "Ok, ok, ok, ok. Then let's say YOU would call them, and then one of the monkeys could come down, and then, please tell me, how many monkeys are there in that tree?"
Anthony: "Look, there are now four of them. They got something to play with!"
Max: "Fine. Do you see what they're playing with? Let's see how many monkeys would there be left if two of them would escape with the thing they're playing with? What is that thing?"
Anthony: "It's your wallet. Look they play with your credit cards! Now, let's say you had 5 credit cards and the monkeys took away two of them. Tell me, how many cards do you have left, Max? Max?? Maaax?????"
Max (running&screaming): "&()/&%$$$£)..."

(1) Brazilian fruits native to the Sandorian Grove, such as Mutamba, Pequi, Taperebá, Cupuaçu, Mangaba, Siriguela, Pinha, Pitanga, Sapotí. Umbú, just to name a few more..  More >

 Alignment or Realignment?717 comments
picture12 Sep 2010 @ 03:36, by Unknown. Personal Development

Heres sept desktop moon/sun calandar

Autumn Equinox is on the full moon this year Sept 23 as well as the winter solstice is on the full moon producing a lunar eclipse on Dec 21, an alignment of sorts or realignment it would appear. Two in a row? Hmmmmm interesting....  More >

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  • Om Ah Hum Mantra

  • 2010-09-25

  • 2010-09-23
  • WORLD KNOWLEDGE - WELTWISSEN (1710 - 1810 - 1910 - 2010)
  • fbi hacks my NEWCIV Site.

  • 2010-09-22
  • Who Wins?

  • 2010-09-21
  • Our StressOut Program for Suicide Prevention with Mindfulness

  • 2010-09-20
  • Quote for today...

  • 2010-09-16
  • From "Max Sandor's Tales to his grandson"

  • 2010-09-12
  • Alignment or Realignment?

  • 2010-07-31
  • Innovation Yantra
  • Randy Paush - Lessons for Life

  • 2010-07-30
  • from Baudrillard to Verger: Diversification Vs Global Norms

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  • Cartographers of No Man's Land

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